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peter pleyers class proposal stolzenhagen
"history in practice" introduction
"history in practice" introduction
0 appreciations 2518 views
how idocde started
a videotalk with choreographer Jennifer Lacey and idocde founder Kerstin Kussmaul at the ImPulsTanz Festival 2012 in Vienna about the idocde idea and how it all started.
a videotalk with choreographer Jennifer Lacey and idocde founder Kerstin Kussmaul at the ImPulsTanz Festival 2012 in Vienna about the idocde idea and how it all started.
1 appreciation 2611 views
history in practice
photos of my classes "history in practice" in different schools and institutions since january 2010.
photos of my classes "history in practice" in different schools and institutions since january 2010.
0 appreciations 426 views
[FFTD] History is composed of docu...
A quote by Historian Jacques le Goff ("History and memory") Photo: Rapa Nui (Easter Islands)
A quote by Historian Jacques le Goff ("History and memory") Photo: Rapa Nui (Easter Islands)
0 appreciations 735 views
my 1st workshop about dance history
Dance history workshop with movement for a class +or- 8 years old - 4 Feb 2015 in Pacifique studio
Dance history workshop with movement for a class +or- 8 years old - 4 Feb 2015 in Pacifique studio
0 appreciations 686 views
Bodies in The World
How do students use dance history as a set of tools to perceive the importance of bodies in the world?
How do students use dance history as a set of tools to perceive the importance of bodies in the world?
2 appreciations 601 views
dance history re-vised, a task
in november and october 2020 i lead the students at the SKH BA in Dance Performance (Stockholm, SE) through a series of meditations and speculations on the topic of dance history....
in november and october 2020 i lead the students at the SKH BA in Dance Performance (Stockholm, SE) through a series of meditations and speculations on the topic of dance history....
0 appreciations 1422 views