The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
improvisation decisions instant composition story public space choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing
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[FFTD] in or out?
this was a task (given by laurent ziegler) at IDOCDE vienna at impulstanz yesterday, beeing an observer with a recording device documenting a task you've given to two collegues, be...
this was a task (given by laurent ziegler) at IDOCDE vienna at impulstanz yesterday, beeing an observer with a recording device documenting a task you've given to two collegues, be...
Un Packing a Choreographic Practice
How do I start creating? From where do I source the images, questions or input that might become material for performance? How do I translate these into physical material? What ar...
How do I start creating? From where do I source the images, questions or input that might become material for performance? How do I translate these into physical material? What ar...

By [Multiple Creators]