The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
dance analysis cultural studies Verbatim Dance Theatre Dance history dance ethnography writing multi-culturalism Contemporary Dance conciousness transformation transculturalism Contemporary Dance tango learning / teaching cross-cultural Tango Argentino Gender and role transference Cultural perspectives Contemporary teachings of Tango
5 matches found |
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[nld] Can we talk about this? An interdisciplinary analysis
This is my BA-Thesis (Dutch studies) written in Dutch and the abstract (in German). It is concerned with an analysis of a fragment of DV8's dance piece 'Can we talk about this?'....
This is my BA-Thesis (Dutch studies) written in Dutch and the abstract (in German). It is concerned with an analysis of a fragment of DV8's dance piece 'Can we talk about this?'....
0 appreciations 593 views
Bodies in The World
How do students use dance history as a set of tools to perceive the importance of bodies in the world?
How do students use dance history as a set of tools to perceive the importance of bodies in the world?
2 appreciations 602 views
transcultural dance practice
Maxi Hill reflects on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine Acogny. The interview is part of a research of Lot Siebe on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine and Patr...
Maxi Hill reflects on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine Acogny. The interview is part of a research of Lot Siebe on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine and Patr...
1 appreciation 589 views
Proposal IDOCDE 2016: Gender, transference and subjective body in...
Lecture followed by a tango practice oriented to contemporary dancers. My main concern as dramaturge is to look at the construction sources of the tango dance in order to rescue it...
Lecture followed by a tango practice oriented to contemporary dancers. My main concern as dramaturge is to look at the construction sources of the tango dance in order to rescue it...
0 appreciations 2956 views
Gender, transference and subjective body in the contemporary teac...
Gender, transference and subjective body in the contemporary teachings of tango practice - Video Documentation 4th IDOCDE Symposium ImpulsTanzFestival Vienna 2016
Gender, transference and subjective body in the contemporary teachings of tango practice - Video Documentation 4th IDOCDE Symposium ImpulsTanzFestival Vienna 2016
0 appreciations 3152 views