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Unnecessary Attention
Here you can find the revised version of Romain Bige's lecture; "The Artist's Privilege to Displace the Borders Between What Should be Noticed and What Should Not" that took place...
Here you can find the revised version of Romain Bige's lecture; "The Artist's Privilege to Displace the Borders Between What Should be Noticed and What Should Not" that took place...

By [Multiple Creators]

Philosophy of Dance. Body, Knowledge and Subjectivity
This paper is the result of my Specialization of Interest-module within my master program in Cognitive Science. It was supervised by Silvia Galikova from the Slovak Academy of Scie...
This paper is the result of my Specialization of Interest-module within my master program in Cognitive Science. It was supervised by Silvia Galikova from the Slovak Academy of Scie...
Vulner - Ability
This is a report of a workshop (in German) that I held at Tanzquartier Wien at the occasion of a Peer-to-peer-exchange organized by the Phd network TQW DOC and supported by the ÖH...
This is a report of a workshop (in German) that I held at Tanzquartier Wien at the occasion of a Peer-to-peer-exchange organized by the Phd network TQW DOC and supported by the ÖH...
Master Thesis Exposè
MA-Thesis for the Middle European Interdisciplinary master programme of Cognitive Science (MEi: CogSci); Supervisor: Arno Böhler
MA-Thesis for the Middle European Interdisciplinary master programme of Cognitive Science (MEi: CogSci); Supervisor: Arno Böhler
Master Thesis
My master's thesis 'Understanding Contemporary Dance. An Epistemological Framework Drawing on Cognitive Science' seeks to extend the debate on the relationship between dance and kn...
My master's thesis 'Understanding Contemporary Dance. An Epistemological Framework Drawing on Cognitive Science' seeks to extend the debate on the relationship between dance and kn...