Defne Erdur
// Teacher

IDOCs » [FFTD] What did you eat today?
the more I move, the more I get curious about how to take care about my body (yes, I am getting old - so what?!) and of course I eat bio, I cook at home and I keep researching different approaches for healthy meals... I am totally confused, yet I love it! And you? Are you curious about your intake?!
Zoé Alibert
// Teacher
Defne, I totally agree… I too think about this a lot. So much about how and what we eat, how we prepare our food, also influences our dancing. What kind of presence do I want to attain, what kind of strength, energy, state of mind do I need for the type of work I am going into on a particular day? Our bodies are constantly changing and affected by so many things we take in on a daily basis… How can we support and balance that with a diet? Just as a game, I sometimes try to write down as meticulously as I can, what a meal contains, and what each ingredient contains as sub-ingredients, and where these possibly come from… It is impossible… And that sometimes makes me just want to simplify as much as possible...

Defne, I totally agree… I too think about this a lot. So much about how and what we eat, how we prepare our food, also influences our dancing. What kind of presence do I want to attain, what kind of strength, energy, state of mind do I need for the type of work I am going into on a particular day? Our bodies are constantly changing and affected by so many things we take in on a daily basis… How can we support and balance that with a diet? Just as a game, I sometimes try to write down as meticulously as I can, what a meal contains, and what each ingredient contains as sub-ingredients, and where these possibly come from… It is impossible… And that sometimes makes me just want to simplify as much as possible...
Sanne Clifford
// Teacher
Yes although we are listing to our body as much as we can it can be still confusing. What works best for your body? I am doing a nutrition program at the moment that helps to find out what is my metabolism type and what kind of eating works with that. Quite interesting as well! I guess it is always about the balance right?

Yes although we are listing to our body as much as we can it can be still confusing. What works best for your body? I am doing a nutrition program at the moment that helps to find out what is my metabolism type and what kind of eating works with that. Quite interesting as well! I guess it is always about the balance right?
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