user avatarUlla Mäkinen Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatar(inactive user) // Teacher
user avatarkira riikonen // Teacher
IDOCs » Happy Sacrum
Three teachers coming together around the topic of sacrum, lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints, sharing exercises while moving and trying them out. You can listen to the audio of this exchange while moving in space. Also pictures and text attached.

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Happy Sacrum - moving dialogue

(listen to audio while you can move yourself)


Resting position on your back

-       Sense your pelvis and sacrum in contact with the floor.  Pay attention what kind of print your pelvis is creating on the floor surfice.

-       Can you sense how your sacrum is softening and getting heavier?

-       Imagine having a fan in your sacrum. The tip of the fan is resting on your tail bone. Imagine opening up the fan slowly. As it is opening, feel the warmth and the softness spreading in your sacrum and pelvis.


Heel rock

-       As you flex your ankles let your lower back press gently towards the floor. Release.

-       Let this movement flow effortlessly and rhythmically.


Pelvic rock lying supine

-       Start pushing gently through your heels towards the floor and let this effect to your pelvis, pushing and releasing to create a rocking effect.

-       Play with the rhythm and size of the movement.

-       Soften the hip flexors.

-       Knees are supported by invisible strings from the ceiling.

-       If your sacrum feels tight, you may find it softening by turning your toes slightly in.



Alternating the push under your right and left heel.

-       allowing the motion develop into an eight like shape.

-       Soften the hip flexors and release your jaw.

-       Sense the movement traveling thru your spine to your skull, and to your shoulders and arms.



Pelvic circle

-       Let your mind's eye picture the shape that your sacrum is drawing on the floor.

-       Try different rhythms and sizes in these circles.


Knees side to side

-       Let your knees shift from side to side and pelvis to follow this action. Return the same way.

-       Initiate this movement from sacrum. Let sacrum beging to roll to one side and knees to follow sequentially. Allow the return happen in the same order.

-       Engage your core muscles by letting your navel drop and spread towards your back.


Peeling the pelvis from the floor.

-       Roll the tailbone and sacrum off from the floor as you breathe out. Feel the contact between your feet and the floor.

-       Bring your pelvis back to the neutral position as you breath in.

-       Let this motion grow bigger each time, like a wave, rolling higher.

-       Connecting your head with the movement, while the pelvis rolls down, take your eyes towards the knees and curve your upper body off the floor. Once the pelvis comes up, release the head and shoulders on the floor again. Connect your arms to the movement, either with reaching with the fingers or sliding your arms to push from the side.



Rolling up to and down from the floor


Discovering the same patterns while sitting up. Once you sit up, what is the position of your pelvis? Can you climb up the sitz bones to find the top of them, and let your head balance on top of your tail bone? Finding the elongation of the spine and the curve, releasing up into the length of the spine and dropping down to the curve.


 Movement research in space, taking this into improvisation, exploring the articulation and connections of the sacrum to the pelvis and the lower body, and to the spine and the upper body.








Happy Sacrum
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