Linked to the Idoc "KIHON OF AIKISHINTAISO - Introduction and video"
Starting position is seiza : sit down on the knees, the left big toe above the right big toe.
1/ Sayo otoshi
Sit down in seiza, swinging the chest on left and right, keeping the pelvis static. Keep the back on a same plan, like you’re sliding on a wall. Keep the head released and look at the opposite diagonal. Hands do a movement of pronation and supination.
-> This exercise work on the connection of pelvis and thorax, the mobility of the sacroiliacs. Practising during a good time, it does a pimp effect on the visceral system (very effective on the liver) and it gives rise to a non-volontary breath. Viewpoint of the symbolism, this exercise allow the circulation of the emotions.
2/ Kubi no undo
Tilt the head 3 times to the right and 3 times to the left. Rotate the head 3 times to the right and 3 times to the left, as you want to look behind you.Take care to really tilt and really rotate and to not get both mixed up. Then, do 3 large circles of head to the right and 3 to the left. Do not be shy, do it as large as possible.
3/ Kokyu
Breath in and open your look when the arms go up opening. Breath out and refold your arm, joint by joint, passing behind you.Look go down. (3 times or more)
4/ Kata no undo
Do large circles of shoulders to the back first (it’s very important) and then, from back to front. Try to initiate the movement really by the shoulders and not by the arms (I am a bit wrong on the video!)
Put shoulders most in front you can, release, most up you can, release, most back you can, release. You can really take your time first, and then accelerate. It’s very funny to do this one faster as possible…
5/ Kata ineri
Twist of the soulders