As the format of this class has been given to slighty different group populations variations have been included in the description to include the differennt possibilities and slight changes that can be made to include everyone.
The first preparation is to orientate people to the space.
This can be done before the class begins by guiding the person who is blind or visually impaired in the space. Clearly defining the center of the space and the edges by walking through and describing with words the landmarks. Where the sound system is, other predominant features in the room... mirrors, windows and anything that needs to be described from a safety perspective.
This can also be done as a beginning exercise.
Orientation around the room with touch (duet). One person leads their partner (non seeing person) around the space explaining the space to orientate and for safety.
Warm up. Focus on breath, weight and support.
One body part solo. Moving one body part and exporing the sensation and the relationship to the rest of the body. Moving a second body part in a dialoguing duet between parts. Introducing a third body part, a dialoguing trio. Rest. Allowing whole body to follow one body part in the space. Changing the leading part.
Movement conversation with sound (duet) one non seeing or both non seeing. One person moves and the other responds, each person sounds simultaneously as they move.. This can also be done without sound using touch. The pair can be in continual contact or making contact with their partner when their movement phrase is finished.
Follow the leader with touch (duet). One person leads and the other follows through physical contact. It is up to the person leading to make choices to support the safely of the non seeing person. Or if both are non seeing then the facilitator needs to be the eyes for the group.
Towards and away (trio). One person, responder in the centre partners on either side. First person touches the responder. The responder moves their weight into the touch, moving through skin to muscle. The third person then touches the responder somewhere else and the responder leaves the first point of contact and moves to the second. When the responder is fully in the second point of contact then the first person touches again somewhere else on the responders body.
Counter Balance and Leaning (trio). Finding ways to give and support weight through moving weight into or away from contact finding places of balance and rest. Developing into moving through the space.
Migration with touch (whole group). Group moves as one through the space in contact with at least one person.
Circle with sounders. (small groups, or whole group). One person in the centre of the circle moving in response to the direction given by the sounders. Awareness as a group to support the direction and movement of the person in the center. Giving space in the sound.