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Roos van Berkel Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Ready, Set, Action: 'What if....we aim to play lightly'
March 2014 - 1st local LEAP meeting Amsterdam: Using the Laban ‘body actions’ and my experiences within the Scores workshop (*), I created a compositional warm-up during which we will play with small scores. After creating the small scores, we will ‘submit’ them to different parameters so they can be varied in terms of level change, dynamics and spacing. (*: credits to Matteo Fagion and Hillary Blake Firestone)

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Ready, Set, Action:  ‘what if…we aim to play lightly'

'Aiming to play lightly’ is inspired by Eva Karczag


proposal warm-up:


Content: I would like to use the Laban ‘body actions’ and my experience in the Scores workshop (*) to do a warm-up during which we will play with small scores.

After creating small scores, we will ‘submit’ them to different parameters so they can be varied in terms of level change, dynamics and spacing.

Goals: to warm up at the beginning of the local LEAP day, to start working in pairs and/or trios and end moving as one group, to engage creatively while warming up.

Needs: feedback on how the session itself is experienced, feedback on how I led the session (presence, voice etc)

(*: credits to Matteo Fagion and Hillary Blake Firestone)


 Program session:



I ask the group to form pairs. We remain standing.

One partner touches while the other partner is being touched.

The person that touches, lays his/her hands on the partner’s chest to facilitate awareness of 3-dimensionality while breathing.

Play with this awareness by placing the hands on various parts of the chest: high, low, forward, backward, left and right.

Change partners. 



After the partner exercise, we continue to move on our own.

Play with the body action ‘folding’ and ‘unfolding’ to warm up more. 

Explore whole body folding/unfolding and part body folding/unfolding.  



Creating small scores with the Laban body actions.

Continuing to move on your own, I would like you to create small scores with the specific body actions that I provide.

Try to compose the scores quickly, moving from intuition rather than deliberation. Think of ‘playing lightly’.


Here goes: 
















Create score with each of the given body actions.

 Each movement = one action.


(score = 4 mvmts in total)







Apply level change 







Find a partner (different from warm-up), and create 1 score from the 2 separate scores.















[repeat step 1:]

Create score with each of the given body actions.

 Each movement = one action.







Increase dynamics within the score.   







Find 2 partners,

and create 1 sequence from the 3 separate scores.  








Weight Shift






[repeat step 1:]

Create score with each of the given body actions.

 Each movement = one action.









From where you are, use 3 minutes to repeat the last sequence while we all move to the center of the room. When we arrive to the center, we continue moving our scores as close to each other as possible for another minute. Use the last minute to slow down the score, ending in near stillness.





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