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IDOCs » Conceptualising documentation
The Hamburg key-teacher group of IDOCDE tried to structure the large spectrum of documentation in form of questions. We would like to invite everybody to complete our reflections.

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What is the aim of a documentation?

What is the function of a documentation?
It can be a

-        reference
-        re-creation
-        analysis
-        interpretation
-        commentary
-        description
-        artistic response
-        report of impressions
-        testimony of experience
-        memory
-        archive
-        structuring-tool
-        reflection-tool
-        inspiration-tool

Documentation cannot be understood as something static but is always procedural and can have to do with

-        translation
-        transformation
-        mediation

Documentation as description of a class: Layers of description:

-        describing the action, what the body does
-        analytical movement description with a method like Laban movement analysis or  IVB (inventory of movement, Jeschke/Rick)
-        commentary of the teacher
-        references to existing techniques
-        testimony of sensory experience, inner process of the participants
-        automatic writing by the participants

Which combination of layers can reflect the action in a coherent way?  

From which point of view is documentation done?

-        inside point of view of the experience as a participant
-        outside point of view as an observer

Which format (media) is adequate to transmit the information?

When is the documentation made and how does that influence the function and the format?

-        after
-        while
-        before

For whom is it done?

-        somebody who took part of the action
-        somebody who did not take part of the action

Objective – subjective documentation

We all agreed, that a confrontation of objective – subjective does not make any sense. An objective documentation is impossible, there are always influences (f.e. person, time, background, context) which are integrated individually and subjectivly.

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Andrea Keiz // Teacher
You set up a great list. thanks! I will for sure use parts of it.

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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
Very useful , thank you.

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