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Sabina Holzer Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Different states of tension and release / Morning class / 90 min
The training is an investigation in our intuition of movement and sensory perception by looking at different states of tension and release of the body. The exploration of the anatomy and hands-on work helps to physically anchor energies and to translate them into different movement qualities. In choreographic, structured frameworks, movement tasks and improvisations, the understanding of one’s own movement contexts and reaction patterns are deepened in order to approach them in a playful way and to make contact with one another. (Dec.2013)

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In this morning class I aimed to explore on different qualities of movement.

The warm up was informed by sommatic and yoga exercises to stimulate releasing and muscular structural information for the body. Then we explored different ways of touch and being informed by while moving.


- Warm up
Variation of Hanna Sommers cat-stretch. (30min)
First giving a quick moving through - then talking it through, while people are doing it.

Starting with from starfish position, stretching extanding through the limbs. Working on sppirals and folding.

- Touch your pelvis and ripcage
Feel the curves and lines of your torso.

Moving through the floor 3 times
Feel your rips like a basket with vessles filled with liquid. The vessels have different sizes and are differently filled.
How is your movment informed? Do you feel different weight shift, different rhythems inside your torso.
Feel your lungs and your heart.

- After the side going on the knees - little voice warm up - into the cobra - and moving into an sunprayer variation.


- Massaging the diaphragm.

Breathing - expanding and folding (5 to 7min)
Find a comfortable position on the floor. Listen to your breathing. Feel, how with ever breathing in your tissues
and body is expanding, and with every breathing out you are folding in.

Moving over the floor (5min)
With the same focus.
Move over the floor upright.

- Composition (25 min)
Sets with partners
Stay with the exploration and your experience, what happens if someone is watching? (3min / 1min exchange)
Stay with the exploration and your experience, compose a irregular timing. (3min / 1min exchange) The mover observes and talks about the experience. The witness is looking with no judgment but curiosity (1), then looks if s/he recognizes the different timing. What else does she recognizes. 3 min exchange after the 2nd set.

- Move together as if you have a dialogue with each other. Listening to yourself and the other and reponding.


- Warm up
Variation of Hanna Sommers cat-stretch
Transition sitting on the knees, bending backwards, initiated with the breathing, breathing in sitting, belly wide, breathing out - navel kissing the spine, sequencing up working on all 4, - breathing in, breathing out
Transition on all 4 using voice.

- From the sitting: explore your torso - feet connection through the different curves and weight shifts through the pelvis.
Take a partner - your partner helps you with touching. Touch close to joints

variation: Sun prayer variation


- Exploration / composition
With partner: one is moving - following the intuition, needs and pleasures.
The other one is touching - touching and getting in contact with the breath and the pulse of the partner as s/he starts moving.

Touch with care and your two hands. See if you can anticipate the movement to come.
First stay close to the body, then start to suggest directions. 10 min -> change partner

Moving through space shifting rolls


Warm up
Variation of Hanna Sommers cat-stretch,
Form the sitting in a exploration of the sitting bones, and the pelvis. The relation between the pelvis, the folds of the hips,
the spine extending, and waving upwards.

From the table position, starting from the face, stretching the face, including the sound, which are appearing, be inspired by the the sounds others are making try them out yourself.

Rolling up. Pressing your feet into the floor with your hands, the heels. Move your touch upwards, massage your knees and roll up. Feel yourself standing, shift your weight, walk around  the space, gentle running, feel the bouncing.

Exploration: extending with breathing in folding, releasing while breathing out. It is both a way of extending, with which way do you feel more comfortable. Put more awareness on the breathing out and on the moment of stillness between
Breathing in and out. Feel how you receive the weight of your movement, of your structure, when your are breathing out.

Extending variation sunprayer


With a partner: the partner is touching. As if you read the body with your hands, you listen with your hand to the other
music of the other. What kind of melodiy, rhythems, harmonies and disharmunies you hear? Affirming and challenging.

Day iV

Warm up
Variation of Hanna Sommers cat-stretch.

Basic leg stretches
Breathing with the spine

In sitting a self massage

Standing up informing the double helix
Waking the space around the body up.

Weight shifts - moving through space.

Partners: touching the pelvis at the navel and sacrum, moving together through space.
First listen where the body wants to go. Then the one touching starts to give impulses.
The mover, listens to the impulses, follows, then need not to follow it. Sometime follow, sometimes not.

Variation: sun prayer exented


Exploration and Composition
Take on hand of your partner and expore the movment of the arm. Be aware of conncetions and analogies:
Could the bones of the lower arm is related to the spys?
How does the movement of the wrist inform the movment of the neck?
How the palms of your hand your feet?
The shoulderbades to your sacrum?

Change arm

Move through the floor together while the touch is shifting beetwenn the armes and sacrum, opening the spaces of he body.

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