IDOCs » first LEAP meeting of Vitlycke CfPA at Danscentrum Stockholm
a short recap of Stockholm's first LEAP meeting February 2014

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Stockholm’s first LEAP meeting took place at Danscentrum Stockholm on February 22, 2014. The meeting was co-hosted by LEAP's own Kerstin Kussmaul, initiator of both LEAP and IDOCDE EU-supported projects and Francesco Scavetta, Italian-born choreographer, dancer and teacher whose Vitlycke Center for Performing Arts functions as LEAP's Swedish partner. 



Our first meeting consisted of an introduction lecture, website presentation, couple of hours of conversation and tea.

According to my notes, one of the most discussed and thus relevant of topics was: questioning teacher's authority, and through that: questioning teacher's status; the construction of which was reported to be different according to culture, relevant economic structures and corresponding political environments. Analysing systems that produced and supported the role of a teacher and the act of teaching lead us to discuss different methodologies both of teaching and of learning.

We engaged in the analysis of the ecology of passing on knowledge, worked from individual examples and played with pointing at alternatives, both existing and imagined (theoretical).

The conversation mentioned works and teachings of Deborah Hay, Yvonne Rainer, Michel Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Paolo Virno and Jacques Rancière.

The meeting was inspirational and frequently produced a sense of agreement within the group. However, a lingering sense of one of the subjects discussed remains in form of the following question: What are the parameters of judgement (according to cultural differences)?
This question stays related to another question: When talking about judging progress and development - what is the status of the process?


(note to self by meeting facilitator):
A sense of agreement was frequently produced within the group. Teachers recongised shared interests and identified with each other's problems and visions of possible solutions. 
Taking this for a base - can we next focus on what the practical potential is for creating movement in the local environment according to teacher's sense of need and priority so as to use the meetings to work and have an effect internally but also externally?
> What is the relationship of the teacher and the institution?
> Who makes whose work possible? And how?
> Which parameters can change more easily? Which parameters need more time to change?
> What can be done individually? What can be done by a group?
< What kind of an environment do these relationships create?
< How is a student to navigate such environments?




meeting attended by:

Jeanette Bolding
Cristina Caprioli
Sybrig Dokter
Pavle Heidler
Madeleine Karlsson
Kerstin Kussmaul
Sara Ruddock
Francesco Scavetta
Benno Voorham





For Vitlycke Centre for Performing Arts, this was Pavle Heidler.


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