user avatarStina K. Bollmann // Teacher
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IDOCs » examples of documenting a somatic class
This is an attempt to document a fragment of a one hour class that took place on 12th of May 2012 in K3-Center for Choreography, Hamburg We collect multiple layers of documentation, using outside and inside perspectives. The topic of the training: somatic approaches into movement

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Report on documentation process:

Victoria is going to lead a class - a proposition.
* interests in processes of Taijiquan and Qigong
* we'll be stimulating energetical processes while working
* searching states of fullness and emptiness and movement between that
* meridians
* work is as physical as emotional
* it includes some feldenkrais work - uses excercises that help a lot
* this will be an example of half of the class or one third of it
* the whole class could consist from: set excersises + improvisation (to research individually) + add the phrase (we'll not do it today)

Present participants were taking class to go through different processes of documentation - how to do it. Some modes of documentations or (better) some issues of documentation that we wanted to grasp while documenting Victoria's proposition:
* being outside and inside of class, experience
* issue of objective and subjective point of view
* documentation later on happens in smaller groups or idividually - with intention to create idocs for web.

Reflection upon documenting an example of teaching; sharing experience of small groups and individuals, different methods, different medias:

* Fredericke
Documentation is completley personal and very open.
The question for the web side - should the goal of documentation stay open for web or we should decide about it before?
F. is interested in other translations - so she created a drawing! "Arabesque" - a patteren of plants (image and writing intewined).
F.'s aim to document = it is a COMMENT and it is a TRANSLATION.... TRANSFORMATION, MEDIATING (group added different terms for documenting)

* Stina, Sebastian, Victoria - issue - whether we are facing documentation or interpretation (a document is written by the group:

5 layers of documentation:
1. What the body does
lying on the side, legs bent in right angle, knees on top of each other, arms longish on shoulder hight in front of the body. Letting go of unnecessary tension by connecting to gravity all the way through the inside of the body. Feel the movement of the breath.
Moving the lung area (or the upper rib area) front, the upper hand slides out a bit over the lower, then move it back to the center, hand arm follow. Repeat.
Then move the same area back and return to the centre. Repeat. Then connect these two movements without the halt in the centre. Repeat.
From where could the movement come from? You can use as little effort as you want. As you feel appropriate. Where is your attention drawn to: bone, muscles ? Or maybe other things like the tissue areas infront of the spine, or fluids ect.? While doing this, let the area of movement wander around in the upper body area, play with it, maybe it can get bigger or can get smaler. What effect does this have to the sensation of the entire body?

2. Movementanalytical Description  (Erhalt von bestimmten Abläufen für tieferes Verständnis und das Nachvollziehen (die Reproduktion)

3. Commentary of the teacher (warum, Fokus auf ..., Entscheidung für bestimmte Schritte)  –  Schaffen von Intention, Selbstverständnis
Doing these minimal moves in deep state of relaxation, is about getting to know how little effort a movement could need, about getting to know, how it feels like to initiate movement by fascia tissues, or to initiate it by the sensation of fluids, etc, depending on the focus.
It`s about: getting to discover other layers of mobility , energy flow and movement articulation in specific areas of the body
: about how this is in linkage with the entire body.
: about how the physical state is connected to emotion

4. References to existing other techniques (such as: Feldenkrais, Body-Mind Centering, Tai Chi, Chi Gong

5. Inner Process

* Jenny, Ursina - subjective documentation with automatic writing, not so much analysis. Already while in practice Jenny was more in body and not so much in thoughts. (the automatic writings are in the attachments)

* Gitta - Making herself a task to create an objective, outside documentation while following these aspects of class proposition:
- Victoria (giving instruction) - description of what were indications
- participants (hearing different breathings, looking up...) - observation of participants, notes on their activities
- documentators (Antointe - microphone, Maja -video) - observations and notes on what documentators were doing
observation 1: it was documentation of an hour in the class - taking every information that is given (this was Gitta's inner task)
observation 2: interesting thing - documentation as learning process, everybody gives her/his own traces to Victoria and she would eventually rework her own work (documentation as feedback)
observation 3: if Victoria is making a documentation like in the book "Dance Technique 2010", so she could really see what she did, said, what happened (unpredictible moments..) - so this could be a knowledge of specific moment. It is a question on how much this is interesting for others (ones that weren't there).

* Antoine - task to record audio sound of the whole proposed class.
It is interesting what the teacher actually said.
The file is big - antoine has to cut few chapters and this fact immedialtlly poses the question of how and in which way to cut and edit the file.
Intersting contents from sound file:
- informations given by teacher (intonation, content...)
- respiration, silences... - are present - ambient is also poetical
- making different chapter - the choises should be made...


* Maja  - task to record video of parts of the proposition (video is uploaded) and to document the whole process of documentation
Uploaded excerpt of a class is the moment we documented from diferent perspectives.


*****The group decided to make a documentation frm different perspectives but about one fragment of the proposition (the same fragment is in the video, audio, written files):

- mp4 - innerer prozess Sebastian - Victoria: Sebastian recorded his own commentaries by taking the class on his iphone. (2')

- pdf - IDOCDE Victoria Doc Gitta: description from outside of what is happening, by Gitta

- jpg - emptythebody arabesque: Draw by Frederike after the class

- mp3 - vic idoc: audio-record of Victoria giving the class, and a little bit of the movements and respirations of the participant (2'), by Antoine

- jpg - automaticwriting 12may12 1 and 2: automatic writing by Jenny and by Ursina after the class

vic idoc
examples of documenting a somatic class excerpt

emptythebody arabesque
automaticwriting 12may12
automaticwroting2 12may12
Attached Documents:
Click a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
IDOCDE Viktoria Doc Gitta.pdf
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: m4ainnerer Prozess Sebastian - Victoria 13 13h
[type: pdfIDOCDE Viktoria Doc Gitta

Playable Media (Audios/Videos which are already playable above)
[type: mp3vic idoc
[type: flvexamples of documenting a somatic class excerpt

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Friederike Lampert // Teacher
these three days of the IDOCDE workshop at K3 in Hamburg were very intense, looking forward to Stolzenhagen

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Maja Delak // Teacher
dears, i couldn't help it but to reformat a bit the idoc. hope you don't mind. it was a pleasure to be with you!

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Friederike Lampert // Teacher
it is done! I am a teacher, now!

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