user avatarIñaki Azpillaga // Teacher
user avatarHui Ye // Teacher
The event ‘Documentation à l’ancienne’ took place at the 1st Idocde Symposium in Vienna the 28 of July 2013. Some Idocde dance teachers we gathered to reflect about the act of documenting using the example of stone carving and observing the parallelism with other processes of documenting that we, the teachers of Idocde, are using to create our Idocs.

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For the event at the symposium I proposed to create a document by means of carving a limestone. The challenge was to transfer our thoughts about dance to that solid material.

I chose the limestone because its degree of difficulty, not easy to mould but still accessible for anyone who has force enough to heat it with a hammer.

The ones we stayed carving, got happy to have an impact on the stone. We started discovering techniques that gave us varied results and realizing that the task needed lots of TIME and more EXPERIMENTING.

I personally feel someting similar while I'm writing, I know enough as to create phrases that seem to express my opinions but I feel like hammering my thoughts into a sentence, nailing words after word.

In the act of carving, one withdraws material so that the form and meaning begin to appear while in writing one needs to accumulate in order to form something.

The differences are obvious but the mental process leading both documentations is identical.


These are few topics appeared in the conversations:

Do we document our teaching? When and with which purpose?

How do we deal with inspiration and techniques?

  • I let the inspiration guide my hands
  • I try to guide my inspiration with achieved techniques

Which supports do we use in the documentation and in the case of documenting onto physical objects how do we transfer them into an idoc?

From the intimacy of the notes to the act of publishing: what is your criteria, how does the process go?


In attachment you will find this unofficial video containing the atmosphere of the event, while we wait for the one made by the videographer Hui Ye .

documentation l'ancienne

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