user avatarLaura Faguer // Teacher
user avatarYVES RIAZANOFF // Teacher
user avatarLADJÁNSZKI MÁRTA // Teacher
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IDOCs » Returns of Documentation as artistic research Vienna, 2013
Here is a video to complete the others idocs on the impression of the Andrea's workshop.

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This kind of documentation is very interesting and many reflexions come to mind.

How do you choose the way of documenting?

What do you choose? what is for you the essential to keep? For what, what is the aim for the other group? 

Repeat the form? the intention? the space? the rythm?.....Create from documents a other proposition?

All these questions can be a exploration to create, transmit, invent, re-create....

This research develops a relationship in the group, listen, take initiative, choose...

proposition of one point of view

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[type: flvproposition of one point of view

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Laura Faguer // Teacher
If someone knows how we put the idoc in the folder, say me!

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Eszter Gal Eligible Member // Teacher
Dear Laura,
You can add your idoc into any folder. Go to IDOCs on the top menu and there choose: Browse IDOC Folders, there open the one you wish to place your document in, then click on the right up button: Add a new IDOC into this Folder. There you use your URL to add the doc.
If you wish to add this document above, the URL is:
Hope you will suceed. :-) E

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Laura Faguer // Teacher
Thank you Eszter, it's done!

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