"101 - a tryout" worked well, just very different than expected.
What would have happened according to plans:
60 people and more are participating. They get a welcome- and an instruction-sheet. Then they pick at least 5 other people and one game sheet (randomly). They practise the game in one of the two smaller (marked) preparation spaces. Afterwards they travel with it to the (also marked) big space including all the other participants, so that the games start to overlap... so several different groups are playing at the same time, using everybody for their games at the same time. The comment sheet was waiting for comments. Voila.
What happened:
10-15(?) people were there, half of them didn't read the instruction sheet. There was not really an attention on the different marked spaces in the room. It started off as planned: immediate dynamics, laughter and screaming. As there were only two games possible at the same time and and room seemed to get bigger and bigger for the (mostly) running games, the structure shifted. There were a few observers (not familiar with the instruction sheet). Nobody used the comment sheet. At one point everybody wanted to participate at once, when somebody picked a new game. What happened then... watch the video :-).
What can I say, it's good to be open for change :-). It was hilarious, thanks to everybody!
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[type: flv] nicirutrecht

children within unite!!! freeing the space there for sure and here when I am watching it! so fun to watch something that does not make sense!!!