The structure of the class:
° Warm up the senses : Lanscape / explorer by Diter Heikampf ( not a body work)
° Polyphonic and multi-media documentation of a set movement duet in two groups.
° Collective recontruction of the set movement duet by the other group.
Some inspiring moments for me :
Setting a movement phrase and repeating it.
We where in two groups of seven. In each group where two movers and fives documentors. I was one of the two movers. We created, my partner and I , a simple movement phrase. We didn't set it movement by movement but action by action. We had to repeat this simple phrase over and over to give time to the documentors to understand it , find their interest, their media and their point of view. I enjoyed the repetition of the phrase. It was a delightfull challenge to keep it stable for the documentors and trying not to get into a flowing soup while looping the phrase. The more precise we where , the more I became aware a subtle shifts in time and space.
Discovering the plurality of strategies to hand over the documents to the other group for the reconstruction:
Do you order the documents or do you leave the choice to the reconstructors ?
Do give the documents all at the same time or one after the other ?
If you propose an order what is your logic ? Use a single document as an anchor point ; Go from the more open to the more specific; When do video come into play ?
Enjoying the dialogue between a read written script and its simultaneous translation into movement.
One person was reading out loud a written script and two persons where simultaneneously translating it into movement. I enjoyed the dialogue , the sometimes synchronized ad sometime delayed movement translation.
Realizing the power of a bad quality sound recording.
The whole group was listening to the recording of a voice describing some actions happening in space. It was hard work. The bad quality of the sound asked for a very focused attention. Sometimes bad quality is good.
Experiencing the collective reconstruction as a performance.
It was beautifull to watch the group at work during the collective reconstruction. I enjoyed the organisation in space the timing for taking the lead. Each person was bringing its unique expertise , each understanding completing the other ones.
Defining my wish for recreation.
How close do you want the reconstruction to be from the original ? (To be as close as possible being defined by integrating as much aspects as possible.)
Watching people at work trying to be as close as possible to the original was fascinating because it was demanding .I choose this option.
sounds very interesting. I am sad that i missed this workshop. The approach and challenges resonates with my memory of exploring ways to translate repertory/set material from able-bodied dancers to disabled dancers or vice versa. Very rich. Thanks
Hallo Anouk,
it was a plaisir to work with you - thanks for the documentation of the workshop - I agree with your impressions and realy enjoyed the work