Friday 7th of June 2013
This was the 5th day of our TTT meeting in Brussels. We were again in Ultima Vez studios in Brussels.
TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels )
Eva Maes and Anouk Laurens decided to Co-teach this day of our TTT meeting. Anouk says she is interested in what Eva teaches, that what she teaches is complementary to her interest on teaching.
We talked a bit about documenting as Anouk's work is very connected to documentation:
"maybe we just need a clear physical experience to document"
"how do we incorporate the machines ( cameras/recorders ) in our experience. As a mover, how do you use the documenting gear?"
They propose we use no music , but we can use our vocal cords on our experience. We should observe the life expand of something, how long something is alive?
Eva says that the BMC work is not just about teaching anatomy, but you also learn how others are learning. " Know thyself, know yourself" . By exploring your own physicality , you learn about yourself.
"In BMC , we learn about phases of creation, about cellular breathing , from the wound, to yielding, to surrender "… continues Eva, " each second 500 cells "dye" and 500 "appear" ….
Eva starts the day and she proposes we go into a state of yielding and feel like a cell …
I was skeptical about the task at first and it took me a long time to find a comfortable position to yield.
Finally I found one and I believe I touched this cell state…. felt this cellular breathing and my organs, my heart…
Something strange happens, the cellular breathing didn't get to my lower limbs, my lower body was numb …. I felt the presence of the absence, the absence of the presence …the body moving = the cell moving, moving with this cellular breathing
.By the time Anouk took over the class, I was not really there anymore… i remember instructions such as: the eyes closed, the eyes opened, they ears closed, the ears opened.
Playing with your hands in and out of focus and then the scores of : pausing , report, ( communication), eyes closed, eyes open and then my desire to document what I was seeing by drawing, following the scores and instructions as I was drawing
I am a terrible drawer , and I never dare to show anyone what I draw, or what I don't even know I can call a drawing, but as others were using this tool, I thought, why not, they won't judge me, so…. here are my drawings of that morning.
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After that morning and after lunch, I just couldn't do anything anymore, I was so so tired, but so so relaxed...
This was the first time I experienced BMC cellular work and Eva told me that what happen to me is normal.
I needed to sleep .... it was even hard to write this on my notebook that day!
One more fantastic day with this great group of teachers. Unforgettable and self revealing!