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Miranda Glikson // Teacher
IDOCs » 30 minutes on borders
This is a class I taught at Tanzkongress 2013 in Düsseldorf...a 30 minute format I gave twice on two separate days. It's also part of my ongoing exploration on themes of border and other spatial narratives of environment. The texts include both a documentation of my observations of what emerged in the two classes as well as my original points of orientation for guiding the exploration. My own photo images have served as references in the developing phase of the class.

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30 minutes on borders - a physical exploration


A. place - space

- walking...we find our own dynamic independent of accord with our energies and sense of perception in the moment...arriving in the environment                                       

- noticing the skin of the room...we take in structure that organises the space...organises our perceptions of the space                         

- trajectory, form, surface, volume, grid...pattern & rhythm, juxtaposition...compositions of relation    

- we notice where one thing becomes another...spaces of transition...juncture...meeting places

borders: an unexpected encounter...intrusion...the periphery and perimeter that facilitating centre...the edges of an of of complexity


B. borders through different physical conditions

I) to what extent are our perceptions of spatial division relative to how we organise our thoughts?

- altering perspectives through changing physical engagements...visually departing from                                            

- to return again to...the centre of vision...can the periphery hold a background of patterns orientating around this juncture?

II) focusing on a specific border structure

- defined by the structures around it

III) small body movements change the image

- rock, sway, bounce, wobble, oscillate, pendulate,

borders: perpetual reorganisation...places of transition...territory unclaimed...a diffusion of identity and reorganisation of another...the limits of centralization...the disappearance of the whole


C.  align / correspond - what implies a border?

I) identifying weight                                                                                                               

- has this braced itself already against the downward falling of architecture...a determined carrier of burdens                                                                                                                      

- an effortless junction?...a playful boundary between lofty spaces...a reverie of division, barely substantial?                                                                                                                            

- entering the weight/non-weight

II) under which pressures does it hold?                                                                                               

- tension?...what is implied in the spaces between the binaries? do you decide what is the outside, the inside?                                                                                                                    

- how is resistance assumed...what frictions silently ride within the ambiguous zones of transference? - generating movement through non-movement

III) trajectory                                                                                                                          

- linearity or deviation?...this border contains the intention of its projects towards its resolution regardless whether it retreats into reduced simplicity or directs itself into complexity       

- its structure is a consideration of its integrity and an orientation around an idea                                    

- the body extends this trajectory...a spatial affiliation

- we physically generate the characters of the border structure...the body interacts with ideas of interrelating between the different structures it divides, between binaries...the body enters into the dialogue of separation and ponders its difference

- the body aligns itself with the border structure by identifying with its task...we physically generate an affinity with the space that parts but also connects...a correspondence has emerged

borders: contradiction...fiction...demarcation of what is and isn't and the passing of something...


D. communication

- the body's interaction with ideas suggested by the border structure is now an independent physical dialogue...the dancing moving body explores its understanding of a specific form of distribution and organisation...the differences are being explored and negotiated and communication occurs in the space between disparate ideas                                                                                                                 

- the interaction is extended to include the wider environment...the living structures of other movers create spaces where the transfer of ideas is invited...the body's process of translation now becomes receptive to the dialoguing of others, and we respond to the spatial, energetic, dynamic, atmospheric changes this creates

"Space surrounds us, omnipresent. Yet narratives are linear: like attention, they take things one after another."  Barbara Tversky, 'Narratives of Space Time and Life' (2004)


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