IDOCs » 9th SyMPOSIUM documentation ¿How to cultivate the mystery?
This idoc documents Laura Rios' Symposium presentation.
During the months of june and july, every wednesday from 12 to 2 pm CST I guided an on line residency around the theme of Mystery.
The first meeting was misterious. Just one person, Ela, from the ones that attended de call, came. Instead of them, Deni and Bianca came by my personal invitation.
They attended the call from the woods of Uruguay. Their environment was perfecto for starting to dig into the mystey: the woods, a dog, an oven to cook and both of them, Bianca telling us about her research, they were making together, about a documental consisting in traveling in a motorcycle to make interviews to chamans.
That day we started digging into the memory of a misterious object we all have in our houses and we don´t know exactly why.
That beginning was not recorded, it was kept in the heart of the reasearch. Magically Deni and Bianca appeared again in the last sessions, before we presented How to cultivate mystery at the Symposium.
We tried to record every session, These ones that I´m sharing with you are the ones that remain.
1 ago 2021
16 junio
26 junio
30 junio
7 julio
14 julio
The score I landed from our residendy together contains all the voices and presence of all the participants. I was a channel of their presence during these two months.
How to cultivate mystery. A collectivo score-ritual-recipee has been presented in an online international dance event: On the high seas, 24 hrs of dance around the world.
In october it will be presented again as part of the X Anniversary of the Seminary of Permanent Studies of the performance and stage, guided by the reknown mexican academic: Didanwee Kent.
The score is in english and spanish. So you can join us!
2022.06.131192 views 0 appreciations
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