user avatarAnouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarAna Stegnar // Teacher
user avatarEva Maes // Teacher
IDOCs » TTT meeting Brussels/ Louise Chardon class/ The three anchor bones
Louise Chardon 's class was focusing on the relation ship between sacrum, sternum and occiput, named the three anchor bones. Her proposal was to work with hands on in a trio and to circulate from moving, touching and documenting. The "toucher " was going from down to up, spending time on the three anchor bones with one hand in the back and the other in the front to give a sense of the tri-dimentionality of the person.

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I worked with Eva Maes and Ana Stegnar.

I started as a witness and made this drawing to document my witnessing experience. 

I named it " Eva, Ana & I, Three Anchor Bones" .

Three women, three bones , three perspectives and the relation ship between the three "3". Informations were circulating  through the air. At some point, I didn't know anymore who was initiating what. Vibrations where creating the trio space,  a kind of tangible loop betwenn us .






I first used my eyes to identify to Eva' s movement .The pen was just an extention of myself, dancing on the paper. My eyes where translating what i was seeing into traces. I was chaneling my visual informations into tactile ones.  My attention went firts to the movement of Eva's breath that was visible in her shoulder blade area. Then my attention was drawn to her sacrum. I got involved with Ana's hands that where there listening. I changed my point of view to see the space in between Eva's front and  back and  i sudddenly got involved  with myself. I drew  the sensations of the volume  between my heart and  the corespondant dorsal vertebrae. To do so, I took a second pen. My two hands where translating of mix of my experience of Ana's hands and the experience of myself. I came back to Eva, the loop was completed.





TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels


Eva, Ana and I , three anchor bones--

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