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00:27:03 Dilek Üstünalan: If you can, please donate to the 2020 IDOCDE symposium. all the proceedings of the donations will go to compensate the lecturers and hosts for their time and the effort they put into this. we are specifically looking for donations to support those lecturers and hosts with lower or no regular income and members of the BIPOC community. we are conscious of the risk all the lecturers and hosts took when approaching the symposium, knowing that our budget this year was in your capable hands. thank you for your understanding and your generosity.
For Bank Transfer: Account holder: IMPULSTANZ IBAN: AT95 12000 00697459600 SWIFT: BKAUATWW Bank institution: UniCredit Bank Austria AG Bank address: Rotschildplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Austria For Transferwise: email for Transferwise: gabriele.parapatits@impulstanz.com Recipient Transferwise: IMPULSTANZ, 1070 Wien, Neustiftgasse 3/12 To best track your donation we will need your NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, and please reference "IDOCDE DONATION" on the donation so that we receive it.
00:27:17 Dilek Üstünalan: thanks!
00:48:27 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: Nap-ins. Nap policies : http://www.pourunatlasdesfigures.net/element/nap-ins-politiques-de-la-siest
00:50:01 pavleheidler (they/them): iinstagram @thenapministry
00:53:37 deirdre amirault morris, she/her, Tewa: Hello! A quick plug for the session: Confluence Mapping Through Napping and Nurturing Habitat, if the study and action of napping is of interest to you, please join us!
01:05:28 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: Nap-ins. Nap policies : http://www.pourunatlasdesfigures.net/element/nap-ins-politiques-de-la-siest
01:07:57 Lo Bil: was there a reading Roman referred to related to universal right to breathe?
01:08:14 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: it is all in their article
01:08:25 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: if you link to the article you can find the references I belive
01:08:37 Lo Bil: thanks!!
01:08:41 romain*bigé: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhtCMaEMLGE
01:09:08 romain*bigé: That's a lecture Mbembe recently gave "in" Germany taking up his concept.
01:09:51 Laura Ríos: I need to tell Romain, thank you! You made me reflect about what home means to mexican people, home is earth, with your speech I understood why people can´t make a lockdown in their home, their home is a shared homed, is the market, the streets, where people come to sell and relate with the world. You make me thought about what does resistance means in this moment. I live in a town where people is in the streets, walking, selling, speaking, ...some with precautions, some not. The market never stoped.
01:10:08 Laura Ríos: Home is earth.
01:28:46 romain*bigé: thank you eszter!
01:42:58 Eszter Gal: academic insomnia
01:46:51 Laura Ríos: Thanks Corinne! I feel a powerful vibration in your words
02:03:17 Lo Bil: yes I will attend the rest of the conference! I will come to yours for sure
02:08:26 Eszter Gal: radical tenderness
02:08:56 romain*bigé: dis/immunization
02:08:58 dagesjuvelierkeates: makes me think of bersani
02:11:40 dagesjuvelierkeates: https://www.artforum.com/print/202005/paul-b-preciado-82823
02:14:27 romain*bigé: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f5Kd91d2u-5F7iTbPfRSyNoHouQVhsLc/view
02:18:50 Sonja: Thanks Corinne!
02:18:53 romain*bigé: moving-together as an antidote to the constant strangering of the other
02:21:25 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: at the level of instinct to be embodied
02:25:49 Corinne Jola: thank you everyone!!
02:25:59 Sonja: Thanks, thanks all!!! Have a nice night!
02:26:02 Kerstin Kussmaul: thank you for a wonderful and inspiring session!
02:26:06 pavleheidler (they/them): thank you!
02:26:08 dagesjuvelierkeates: thank you all!
02:26:25 Laura Ríos: thank you all