Though much of content is derived from two forms of somatic movement education that I have a particular affinity for, the Feldenkrais Method and experiential anatomy, it is supplemented by material that I have either picked up from my study of other somatic disciplines or else invented myself. What marks it out as my own is not so much the con- tent as the form in which I bring it all together and the manner in which I teach it.
This thesis is the written component of a period research into the process of developing of this work. My hope is that in the act of researching it, I might gain insights and make connections that could support the ongoing development of this work, and my teaching practice in general. I also hope, by virtue of the form and context of a thesis, to share something of my process of development with others and in doing so invite dialogue.
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thanks Malcolm for sharing this! I got so engaged reading it that I had to quote you on my anatomy lecture at the Contact Meets Contemporary -festival in Göttingen. I enjoy your way of writing a lot.