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Luka Prinčič // Teacher
IDOCs » How could GitHub help in a process of developing and using the website
I created a diagram that quite accurately represents the collaboration and communcation flows if the code of the website is released under an open source licence (GNU GPL recommended) and put on github from where it can be synced to website.

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How could GitHub help in a process of developing and using the website

I created a diagram that quite accurately represents the collaboration and communcation flows if the code of the website is released under an open source licence (GNU GPL recommended) and put on github from where it can be synced to website.


github idocde structure

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Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
hi luka, what means API?

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Luka Prinčič // Teacher
API stands for Application Protocol Interface. in practice this means that the website defines how an external application can interact with the website - mainly its database. API is very useful if not a requisite if IDOCDE wants to have third party applications using its content. imagine an iPhone or Androud app that can upload video/text/photo/audio files to the website, for example, or another application that visualises the state of the IDOCDE... etc. for all these an API is extremely beneficial. it defines how machines/services/apps can communicate between eachother.

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