Kerstin Kusmaul - The psoas connection
At the beginning of the class Kerstin gave us basic information about the psoas: it's place and it's function.
She asked the group to make a drawing about the muscle so that we can really see what is our inner image about this area.
Then, during the major part of the class we worked in pairs in order to discover the muscle and experience how we can release it. The touch of the partner was the main tool to discover our psoas.
During the session a shift of energy was clearly sensible in the space. An other quality of attention started to open up which allowed us to enter in deeper layers both for the person who touches and the one who receives the touch.
Gradually we start to reach inner spaces trough our attention and trust. This trust helps to find the sensation of the psoas (locate it in the body) and allows the receiver to release the muscle so that a new quality of movement can be experienced.
You can find video of the significant parts of this class in the attached file.
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: flv] psoas2

Thank you to all for this video that shows the touch of the psoas muscle on oneself and with partner.
And the very clear presentation of Kerstin