Many people documented the class in all possible ways: picture, video, writing, drawing, sound. I took pictures of the drawings in situ and filmed the installation.
I choose four drawings from the ones I gathered and made a video interview of their drawers. Note that the four pictures on this Idoc are not the four selected drawing for the interview, except for the one of Ilkay. I selected these photos to give a sense of the various texture and environment experienced by the participants.
I asked them three questions:
- How did your memory of sensations worked after the experience?
- What did you draw and how?
- Did you use / invent drawing’s strategies?
(The interviews will soon be available in a separate idoc)
One of the teacher created a folder to gather people idocs to make a polyphonic documentation of the class. Several people already responded. So far, it is not redundant. Each point of view is very specific and put some light on a different aspect of the proposal. Everyone in the group can have an access to the different points of view opening the folder. Through the collective documentation that emerges, everyone becomes the teacher of everyone else. It makes visible that my role as a “teacher”, is only to initiate a reflexion. Then the group can take over to complete my initial contribution and so on.
For my composition classes, I choose to work with some chosen aspects of Lisa Nelson method named “Tuning scores”. It is a communication and feedback system that allows each participant to taste their taste and to communicate their opinion to each other through actions and the use of specifics calls. As I am convinced that a documentation can not only talk about a practice but has to be a translation of it, I find the IDOCDE folders a very appropriate tool to document the “opinion sharing” aspect of Lisa’s work.
Lisa’s method focuses on how each individual composes his experience of the world, from the clue he gets through his senses and imagination. This compositional activity is based on a multi sensorial experience. I find important to document it through different media, images, sounds, drawings, and video, to address all modes of perception. I find also important to be able to interlace the different types of document to compose a “multi sensorial documentation”. I still don't know how to do that and that will be one of my preocupation for the near futur.
To be continued...
hey Anouk. I am preparing a recycling class for wien. could be possible to get some material of these interviews? it could be realy interessing. i still realy interested to meet you in july.