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IDOCs » six minutes proposal
"Cadavre exquis" Ponderosa 2012/08/15 "Le cadavre exquis" wednesday 15th august proposed by Céline Perroud two by two, give your weight by droping your head "A" gently drop his head, only the head, then later on including the shoulders. B receive the head with his two hands and manage to work on his posture as a catcher. each time bring back the head to the centre. the movement of both has to be synchronised "A" start to play with direction of a droping head; front, back, side, diagonale. as a game you can go deeper in the droping head by letting the weight of the body following. challenge your partner as well with rythme, direction, by increasing the weight move into space. it is a game about weight, engagment and confidence

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Weight of me, weight of others.


Work in groups of three.

Making a pile of people by leaning on top of each other.

The first person takes a place on the floor. Leaning on the stomach.

                Give time to precive your own weight.

The second person goes on top gently.

                 Give time to precive the weight of your partner.

The third person gently goes on top of the others.

                  Give time to precive more weight.

When it's enough the person under moves her, his pelvis anyside then the others will roll away softly.

                   Give time to feel the difference and precive your own weight again.

Change rolls.


Sensing the distribution of the body weight along the vertical dimension: standing upright, use the sequential order of Yield/Push/Reach/Pull to transfer into lying down and coming back up. This exercise is focused on the folding and unfolding of the body, promoting equally distributed use of body weight. It can be a nice warm-up exercise. From stance the sequence of Y/P/R/P would be: Pull into the body center to fold down to the floor - sensing the yield as soon as the body has made full contact with the floor - pushing off the floor to unfold along the vertical dimension - transfer the pushing sensation into a reach to make the body as long as possible (include arms reaching up) This sequence can be sped up and participants can continuously find different ways of going down to and getting up off the floor.

 6 min of shaking Gaia

-Start standing.

-Release your weight down in to the floor. Fell the weight of your flesh hanging on the bones. Flesh of your face, arms, legs. Feel the weight of your organs in your belly. Start shaking one body part. Focusing on the flesh around your bones. Let the shake travel trough your body. Vary the intensity and size of it. Don’t decide where it will go but is natural way of traveling to your body. You can get fanatic about it. See if this shaking will make you travel to space.

-Stop at once. Observe and feel.

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Tatiana Galleau // Teacher
Great !
It would be good to start all your idoc about "Cadavre exquis" by explanations. What is it in general with a link (, the English name and what is it in the context of dance, what is good for teachers as Clint Lutes did in the call for proposal "Return of idoc". Because people outside France don't really know the game, the name...

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