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Bruno Listopad Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » What is lost in the process of translation?
Thoughts on Anouk class.

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Exploring with the two sides of touch + drawings feedback environment by Anouk Laurens

Transparent proposition that refreshed objectivist notions of documentation. This class employed a rigorous instruction scores enabled to experience how sensation through physical contact can produce new movement material through a translation process of feedback resonance. The class enabled the participant to exfoliate and single out different layers of sensation while simultaneously self-documenting/mapping ones process. Here the participant could test how a durational concentrated focus in a small body and spatial area can be exponentiated, amplified and potentially contaminate the whole body. An additional graphic translation procedure was also proposed; the one of drawing recollection of the experienced sensation on paper with a pen.
My largest difficulty with theses type of propositions --and within this context confirmed once again-- rests in the unreliability of achieving an accurate process of  translation of sensation, specially through another medium. Sensation is always intense when felt in a first explorative exercise, but its recollection feels often too faded, undecided and inaccurate, and partly transformed or fully disintegrated when in contact with a new medium and its materials.
- Was the participant really drawing what he/she felt, or was this mainly informed by the contact with present moment and the new materials that he/she was now in contact with?
This challenging class ended up questioning if the ephemerality of felt sensation can really be discerned posteriorly and if such can ever be accurately translated.





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