user avatarNicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarClint Lutes Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarLaura Faguer // Teacher
user avatarNicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
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IDOCs » Video of exquisite corpse Ponderosa August 15 th 2012 meeting
The exquisite corpse is a way to offer different approaches to any subject creating a physical patchwork of 6 minutes proposals around one topic, here the weight. Score : Choose one topic for each round (2 or 3 rounds total). Choose an order of who is teaching.  Each person will lead a 5 minute proposal based on each topic (1 per round), one after the other. There should be no rupture/break between propositions. The group is in the space. The person who will teach the next 5 minute proposal is outside the space and will reenter after 4.5 minutes to witness the last 30 seconds of the previous proposition. They enter their own proposition without stopping the existing action.  The teacher should quote the previous teacher at some point during their 5 minute proposition.  This quote can be fictional since he or she has only witnessed the previous workshop for 30 seconds! When the new proposal begins, the following teacher leaves the room and keeps time.

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Score of each teacher:

  •  6 mn class for "cadavre exquis" – Nicolas Hubert :


Shift your weight between the usual support of your weight - the floor – and a vertical support (wall or column). Play with different amount of weight you give to the floor and to the vertical support (from 99% to the floor and 1% to the wall to …? % to the wall and less to the  floor). At first keep the same contact point or contact surface when you shift weight, be minimal. Then change contact surfaces more often, change also levels of your supports.Then travel on your surface, along the wall or around your column. Finish your last minute with upside-down positions, using arms support on the floor, leaning with the feet on the wall. Find an ending in a still position.

  • 6 minutes class for "cadavre exquis" - Juliana Neves:

" The tree"

Two by two exercice: One person is the tree and finds a confortable position standing , puts his roots very deep on the floor, imagining you are a 100 years old tree; this is a special tree and the other person can move the branches and trunk of this tree.

The exercise consists and climbing this tree in all the different ways you can find, you can move your tree to better adapt your climbing, you should think about sharing your weight with the tree or putting your weight on this tree and look for creative ways to climb, lie, grasp and hug your tree.

Change roles after 3 minutes.

  • my 6 mn class for "cadavre exquis" Céline Perroud :

    Weight of me, weight of others. Work in groups of three. Making a pile of people by leaning on top of each other. The first person takes a place on the floor. Leaning on the stomach.Give time to precive your own weight. The second person goes on top gently. Give time to precive the weight of your partner. The third person gently goes on top of the others. Give time to precive more weight. When it's enough the person under moves her, his pelvis anyside then the others will roll away softly. Give time to feel the difference and precive your own weight again. Change rolls.

    Sensing the distribution of the body weight along the vertical dimension: standing upright, use the sequential order of Yield/Push/Reach/Pull to transfer into lying down and coming back up. This exercise is focused on the folding and unfolding of the body, promoting equally distributed use of body weight. It can be a nice warm-up exercise. From stance the sequence of Y/P/R/P would be: Pull into the body center to fold down to the floor - sensing the yield as soon as the body has made full contact with the floor - pushing off the floor to unfold along the vertical dimension - transfer the pushing sensation into a reach to make the body as long as possible (include arms reaching up) This sequence can be sped up and participants can continuously find different ways of going down to and getting up off the floor.

Cadavre Exquis Ponderosa

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Tatiana Galleau // Teacher
as i already wrote
It would be better to start all your idoc about "Cadavre exquis" by explanations. What is it in general with a link (, the English name and what is it in the context of dance, what is good for teachers as Clint Lutes did in the call for proposal "Return of idoc". Because people outside France don't really know the game, the name... and don't understand the benefit.

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Laura Faguer // Teacher
Sorry Gaia and Victoria, I can't put your proposition because the pictures are against day.
For others, can you put (if it isn't done) your writing score?

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