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stephanie maher // Teacher
IDOCs » free writing inspired by Malcolm Manning's class
My main form of documentation is free writing. Spontaneous free associations without pausing, correcting or trying to think through the compositions. It is a form of poetry, it is a memory of an embodied moment, it holds some truths and untruths. These writings hold artistic images that are similar to the way I experience the many sensations, narratives and pitcures coming from motion in time and space.They become songs, performance texts or references to learning about how the body translates information and knowledge. I originally learned about free writing from Simon Forti in 1989 and actively used it with dance partners Kathleen Hermesdorf, Jess Curtis, Keith Hennessy and Sten Rudstrom.

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Free write from Malcom Mannings class


What if?


What if you could swing from a tree directly into a batch of bananas and be like your ancestors squealing with delight?


Take the two sides of the front

Take the two sides of every conversation

Take two sides of a joint


What is in the middle?


What is independent?


What if this whole sides of us was revealed?


The inner and the outer for everyone to see ?


Let go with the sectioning of yourself


There are many ways to articulate


There are the senses of ourselves, of our legs running from monsters, from seriousness, from trying to hard


Keep your attention


keep your awareness




What if we stopped noticing everything and just rode with the air molecules on our skin lifting us through space


We have a body

We have a pelvis

We have legs

We were fish

We need to know this monkey, fish history?


Our skeleton holds in this information every day and it could by any kind of a story.


One testicle is larger than the other one, one tit, one lung

We are not symmetrical

We are not being told how it is


It can happen all by itself


We have to figure it out by ourselves

Relax your awareness, your preciseness, your over tuned listening


Which means we have to be universal and much more available to other freak presences

Reality is broader, wider, more dimensional than you think


If we only focus on right and left than we see the world in halves. These symmetrical constraints make us not available to the powerful and ridiculous reality of play and upside down and otherly


and how can we find it ?

By Being Uncomfortable?

By being more relaxed?



Should we correct and redistribute all our weight and standing body options with so much linear thinking?


A monopoly of ideas about how to change and correct it all


The other ways

It is there.

The unsymetrical, unformed and of course partially formed universe could help us decide how we could abide to our bodies.

We use it all..... we use the unformed as well as the formed the unsymetrical with the symmetrical.


A man lies on the ground perceiving his body, he is relaxed awake, he seems kind....


He says i have been


He says i have been here now


How do you see the universe?


2 parts. left and right. i am in the middle


Maybe therefor, I did not discover this land until now.


Now i see it as the middle and the middle is paradise

the middle of a whole/ hole in older ancient ways.


Eve actually gave this paradise out of her womb and out came castles of crazy humans bodies with souls that were flying and unfinal, and unevenly constructed in the universe


but it was not final

it was unfolding and still is growing






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