user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarAnja Bornsek // Teacher
user avatarBedirhan Dehmen // Teacher
user avatarEmre Sökmen // Teacher
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IDOCs » Self Portrait – Is it still resonating?
This idoc is a collective idoc of all the participants of "Self Portrait" class taught by Defne Erdur in Stoltzenhagen Teachers Meeting. All the participants are invited to leave some traces of what they think/feel they got out of this experience. Although some of them may also have separate, more elaborated idocs on this class, this specific idoc is to have a more distilled, focused, condensed version of what they have already shared. It is in a questionnaire format to make it easier to follow.

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I would like to ask all of you - the participants of the Self Portrait Class, to write a few words as an answer to the following questions. Please write your name first and then your answers (following my format of asking the questions i.e. numbers and letters).

Defne Erdur:

1) What was this class about for you?

2) What worked best for you?

3) What did not work well for you?

4) What did you - as a teacher- get out of it?

5) If you would like to make a suggestion to the teacher, what would that be? 

6) Would you be interested in utilizing anything (from exercises, approach, ideas...) from this class in your own teaching?

7) Please say one thing about the following points on the class - a) time given for preperation/warm up, b) time given for explonations, c) time given for reflection, d) time given for sharing, e) usage of time in general, f) dynamics of class / flow of exercises, g) usage of words & voice while giving directions, h) attitude of teacher

8) Any other comments you would like to make?

Thank you for your participation and contributions on each & every level of this sharing around our "Self Portrait"s. I am already benefiting from this rich exchange!

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1) What was this class about for you?

It was about the way we can document ourselves about what we are

2) What worked best for you?

The first contact with the teacher - Defne met and spoke with every participants

The use of the writing and drawing

3) What did not work well for you?

The lack of time to explore every situation - especially the first exercice before writing

4) What did you - as a teacher- get out of it ?

The extreme difficulty to put words on acts

The importance to have a guardline, the importance of the attention to each person

5) If you would like to make a suggestion to the teacher, what would that be ?

wait a little bit more before writing down the paper

6) Would you be interested in utilizing anything (from exercises, approach, ideas...) from this class in your own teaching?

The way to begin a class and the guardline on purpose

7) Please say one thing about the following points on the class - a) time given for preperation/warm up good, b) time given for explonations enought, c) time given for reflection too short, d) time given for sharing enought, e) usage of time in general rather good, f) dynamics of class / flow of exercises intensive, g) usage of words

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(inactive user) // Teacher
1. It was about openning up to others and expressing ourselves in a way that we can also be surprised.
2. The best was working and developing the both drawings( the image and the words about others i contacted and about myself)
3. Succes and failure part
4. It was nice to experience art therapy approach infused in dance teaching
5. To spare more time for people expressing how they received the things coming from other people about themselves.
6. Yes, the first part of drawing after contacting the others:)
7. a. time given for preperation/warm up: good b.time given for explonations: enough c. time given for reflection: enough d. time given for sharing: short e. usage of time in general: ok f. dynamics of class / flow of exercises: good g. usage of words: enough

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kaja lorenci // Teacher
1. It was about realizing that there is no difference between
2. The success and falure exercise.
The developement of my map.
3. The first exercise was too short to really get impressions on so many people.
4. The importance of transmitting, expressing and sharing my passion for dance to my students.
5. Longer time for exercises, experiencing.
6. The success and falure exercise.
7. a) not enouhg, b) enough, c) ok, d) enough, e) ok, f) could be even more dynamic (the combination of longer and very short exercises), faster, even less predictable, g) could be less.

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kaja lorenci // Teacher
Sorry, I didn't finish number 1.
It was about actually seeing the way i see myself (words on the map, usage of color, drawings...)

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