Sylvia Scheidl
// Teacher

IDOCs » [FFTD] If you think you know you have not got into the process ...?
This is a quote of Trude Cone in a workshop 2009 in Frankfurt at the Masters of Contemporary Dance Pedagogy. Writing to her she proposed to reformulate the sentence: If you focus on what you know you have taken yourself out of the process of learning: you solidify your thinking. How do these statements relate to your teaching process? Do you teach what you know or what you don't know? Trude Cone also said: "When you teach what you know, you limit your students' space to learn." On the photo you see Kristen Greco and Matthew Smith in an experimental photoshooting at the Vienna Local Workshop August 2012.
(inactive user) // Teacher
Hallo Sylvia,
kennst du Publikationen von Trude Cone? Ihre Gedanken übers Lernen und Lehren finde ich sehr anregend und suche mehr davon. Aber ich bin im Dschungel des Internets nicht fündig geworden betreff eines konkreten Textes. Vielleicht hast du da einen Tipp?
herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße
Hallo Sylvia,
kennst du Publikationen von Trude Cone? Ihre Gedanken übers Lernen und Lehren finde ich sehr anregend und suche mehr davon. Aber ich bin im Dschungel des Internets nicht fündig geworden betreff eines konkreten Textes. Vielleicht hast du da einen Tipp?
herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße
Sylvia Scheidl
// Teacher
Liebe Gitta, meines Wissens hat Trude Cone keine Bücher/Texte veröffentlicht. Ihre Aussagen stammen von Workshops. mit lieben Grüßen, Sylvia

Liebe Gitta, meines Wissens hat Trude Cone keine Bücher/Texte veröffentlicht. Ihre Aussagen stammen von Workshops. mit lieben Grüßen, Sylvia
Elina Ikonen
// Teacher
To me this opening sounds a bit like constructive pedagogy. According to it one never teaches one thing to all the students, but the info/experience always accumulates on what the student already has. Then this creates many indicvidual processes plus the group process (with it´s many interpretations by every single student). This makes it easier to stay on the process. You can find lots of info about this approach even in Wikipedia:

To me this opening sounds a bit like constructive pedagogy. According to it one never teaches one thing to all the students, but the info/experience always accumulates on what the student already has. Then this creates many indicvidual processes plus the group process (with it´s many interpretations by every single student). This makes it easier to stay on the process. You can find lots of info about this approach even in Wikipedia:
trude cone // Teacher
Actually I was talking about setting up a learning context in classes. A learning situation increases when the attitude of students and teachers are both in the process of learning. The teacher is also exploring new things in their material. When this happens their is a dynamic in the class. When the teacher is conveying answers or they are conveying the result of their own learning the relationship to the material is very different for them and the students.
Actually I was talking about setting up a learning context in classes. A learning situation increases when the attitude of students and teachers are both in the process of learning. The teacher is also exploring new things in their material. When this happens their is a dynamic in the class. When the teacher is conveying answers or they are conveying the result of their own learning the relationship to the material is very different for them and the students.
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