Natividad, Eric and others, identified simple tools to create a more inclusive linguistic culture in the teachers meeting and for teacher during the festival. These suggestions can be used by both teachers who are fluent or not fluent in the language being used in the classroom. We hope these suggestions are helpful for current teachers in the coming festival and future years.
Ideas for how to be inclusive with language at the Teachers Meeting
1 Reminder to speak slowly clearly, and as simply as possible at start of each block.
2 Translation Facilitator: this is a person during the teachers meeting who asks for volunteers to translate and match them with people who need translation help.
3 Throughout the teachers meeting, have times for translators to check in with people they are helping to see if they are able to speak in circle or need help expressing a thought.
4 In each circle, share what languages everyone speaks.
5 Signal to slow down by raising and lowering hand repeatedly or holding up a card.
6 First day, make name tag (sticker) with language(s) you speak.
Recommendations for Festival Teachers
1 At start of class, recognize there are many languages in the room. Say you’ll speak slowly and clearly—then do it!
2 If you are not a fluent English speaker, let students know. Say if you do not understand what I am saying let me know.
3 Invites students if they need you to slow down to raise and lower their hand in repetition.
4 At start of class, identify who is willing/able to translate and what language, then invite students who need translation help to move to an identified translator.
5 Remind students that if words are not helping then trust the intelligence of your body.
Throughout the class, ask students if you are speaking slowly and clearly enough to be understood.
This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2019.
If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact defne.erdur@idocde.net.
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[type: mp4] InclusiveLinguisticCulture-Eric-SpeedSharing-FreiburgTM-2019