IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting Tuning Score Lab
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Tuning Score Lab session held in Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting, facilitated by Otto Ramstad and Olive Bieringa.

Tuning Scores: the proposal was not to teach the Tuning Scores but to invite those with previous experience to engage in the practice and bring those with less experience along by example.Facilitators: Otto Ramstad and Olive BieringaParticipants: Anouk Llaurens, Shura Baryshnikov, Malaika Sarco-Thomas, Bryce Kasson, Michele Tarento, Stephanie Auberville, Emeline Nguyen, Romain Bige, Nicolas Hubert, Patrick Gaiaudo, Mathilde Monfraux, Bronya Novak LindbladDocumentors: Shura Baryshnikov, Malaika Sarco-ThomasGroup warm-up (20 min): the score was "use any calls that you want to use in the 20 minutes to see what we commonly know and use." After the 20 minutes, we wrote down the scores we had used: Pause, Reverse, Store/Restore, Begin, Report, Replace, Repeat, Again, One, Epilogue, End.We then discussed to make sure that everyone was clear on the definitions of the calls and moved on to Single Image Scores.In the Single Image Score, the group decides on a visual frame for the composition. One person imagines themselves in the space and then enters, eyes closed, to find a stillness - effectively creating the first image. After the arrival and resonance of the first image, a second person enters, eyes closed, and contributes their image, effectively creating the combined, third image. After the resonance of the arrival of the second person, the pair attempts to move together to a fourth image, sensing the other in the space with eyes closed. Those that are witnessing, observe this transition as well as the arrival and subsequent decay of this fourth image. Anyone can call End, from inside or out. Those on the outside can also mark the arrival of the End for them by raising their hands. This allows the group to see the different timings of "End" from the group. Olive also spoke to visual vs. musical time and how that can be quite different for the sense of the end. Often a visual end takes more time.After the Single Image Score was established, we began to tune the image. We added Advance, Multiply, Join.In the concluding conversation, Olive spoke to the shape of the words/calls in relation to the time and space of the bodies. Romain spoke to how there is this set of agreed-upon words, yet everyone is executing their version or interpretation of the space. Malaika, new to the Tuning Scores, spoke to how she often finds compositional improvisation precious and stayed and how this practice seems to allow for a clear container but a shared responsibility. A brief discussion ensued about Tuning Scores in performance, as there was curiosity about whether or not it is ever performed. The session then closed.This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2019.
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[type: mp4] TuningScore-Anouk-SpeedSharing-FreiburgTM-2019
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