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IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting Sci-Fi Anatomy 3: Post-Apocalyptic Bodies Lab
Sci-Fi Anatomy 3: Post-Apocalyptic Bodies Lab session held in Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting, facilitated by Lea Kieffer.

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Title of the LAB: Sci-Fi Anatomy 3: Post-Apocalyptic Bodies

Facilitator(s): Lea Kieffer

Date - time: 14:00-infinity and beyond

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

Joint exploration of body changing and experiencing a world that is no longer human or no longer only human. Episode 3 of SciFi Anatomy lab facilitated by Lea each year the past three years. Taking experiential anatomy to new places, experiencing the anatomy of other creatures, things, times, and scales. 

Participants: Romain, Alice, Stephanie, Otto, Olive, Otto, Mary, Dilek, Joe, Bronja, Inna, Katja, Kevin, Barbara, Eszter, Ilona

Documentors: Joe Dumit (will share online)

Flow (scores, exercises, discussions…):

Began with discussion of the scifi anatomy method: to follow the voice in a creative way. Lea's voice is just a suggestion of possible things that are happening in the world, in the future, in the past, in your body, in other bodies. You can listen the voice as authoritative, as scientist, or as crazy crank, as mystic or as story teller, you might realize that what is most fantastic is actually a deeper truth.

Then a time-traveling breathing method. Deep breath in and out and hold. And repeat 30 times (and then twice more through the 30 though we only went once through this time). By that point everyone was already in a trance and the clocks in the whole building had reset to a new time zone in the future past.

Lea's voice described a time in the far future looking back at a present that is in our future. When the earth was transforming, warming, changing, melting, even rocks melting, everything turning into masses, then freezing, then being visited by other beings, then merging with everything else. This took 90 minutes or so. Some people were frozen for a while, others had bits of movement. Eventually we were all encourged to move and seek others, maybe eat them, maybe be eaten.

Brought back to the specious present we were given big sheets of paper to draw on, patters are shown in some of the photos and videos. Some wrote in notebooks, and then we discussed the experiences. Lea shared the strangeness fo the images that emerged into words and sounds, unexpected as always. Lea in as much of a trance as the participants.

A short movie timelapse was made at the end as one form of documentation.



This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2019. 

If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact

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