user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDilek Üstünalan // Teacher
user avatarDaniela Schwartz // Teacher
user avatarBarbara Stahlberger // Teacher
IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2018 Teachers Meeting 5x5 - 08.08.2018
5x5 simple structure provides a peek into the individual’s life without listening to overwhelming, long life stories. At the TM lists with 5 time slots of 5 minutes each are provided where anyone who wants to talk can sign up to share (teachers & helpers). The topic - what you find important to share with the group of teachers - is up to you. It can be the project you are currently working on, teaching issues, life/work struggles as well as statements and personal stories.

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The photos in this idoc are taken by Dilek Üstünalan. You can click on the images for them to get larger. Full content of the sharings can be found as voice recordings at the end of the idoc.

Aviv Sheyn

What is actually real, what we are doing here?

anger, fear, sadness, we communicate in our home...

gathering of humans 

I want really to be in communities that nobody wants to be teacher, everybody wants to be participant.

there is a center and periphery. I feel like in the periphery I can exist. There I can sense some kind of truth.
Eryn Rosenthal
Democratic activism in South Africa, Spain and USA
What does democracy mean? How is that connected with contact? 
How can the body be a laboratory or examining these basic questions of democracy like choice making, dialogue building, roles, habits, questions of agency?
diversity in the different subcultures within the university (University of Michigan)
agency, awareness of context, interpersonal communication, interaction and power dynamics

I want to invite potential collaborations 

Julieta Romano

As a dancer in Latin America I had a lot of expectations (about Europe)

my kind of thinking is peripherical because of what I listen to and what I have been identifying to

perception in dance

our perception is sometimes an evidence of what we identificate with

economical system and gender 

entering a dance with a question or with an affirmation

For me it takes time to have a question while dancing

What is this thing that I am perceiving?

What is this filter I am perceiving?

What is this contrast I am perceiving?

What I have put in the space with my singularity?

Susanne Martin

Dancing Aging

This year I am on a new project.

Will be doing a project in Switzerland, so who knows anyone there come to me to make some contact.

I want to refresh my literature list on improvisation

I will research the potential of improvisation in this kind of context (at the technical university)

One key word for me is collaboration; engineering is a lot about collaboration and improvisation as well.

So it is about collaboration, about play, about experimenting, finding things together, sensation, creating problems and finding temporary solutions.


Multi-Language Group (talking in different languages; no transcription)


Susanne Martin - Germany
Julieta Romano  - Argentina 
Aviv Sheyn - Israel/Germany 
Eryn Rosenthal - US
Multi-Language Group : Defne shared her 5 mins with other "others".
Defne Erdur - Turkey 
Konstantinos Mihos - Greece 
Inna Falkova - Ukraine 
Rocío Rivera Marchevsky - Chile 
Patrick Gaïaudo - France
Vera Montero - Portugal 
Wiam El-Tamami - Egypt


This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2018. 

If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact


Group Multi Language
It seems that your device doesn't support flash, which is needed by our video player. But alternatively you may download the videos in mp4 format, if the author has provided alternate file formats for your device.

Defne Group-Defne
Defne Group-Konstantin
Defne Group-Inna
Defne Group-Rocio
Defne Group-Patrick
Defne Group-Vera
Defne Group-Wiam
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
Playable Media (Audios/Videos which are already playable above)
[type: mp3Aviv
[type: mp3Group Multi Language
[type: mp3Susanna
[type: mp3Eryn
[type: mp3Jullietta

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