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The Teachers meeting is an international platform to share diverse teaching methods, materials and practices. It supports the Festival structure and it offers space and time for the exchange and the discussion about CI and Dance, in order to built a strong group together. It is open only to current, former and guest teachers of the Festival and the selected researcher/s.
During the 5 days, among a group of around 50 teachers, we clarify specific questions about Contact Improvisation teaching and practice and the different structures of the Festival, we get to know each other and share dancing together having also the possibility to work on personal topics and questions. It’s a time to meet, to share and to investigate together, profiting of what it creates, what arises and its synergy for the nourishment and the enrichment of the Festival, the International CI community and the personal practice.
The Teachers meeting offers CI teachers the possibility to introduce their inquiries and work to a large group of colleagues and dancers. Through this meeting we, the team, hope to support a more lively and deep exchange about the content and frame/form of Contact Improvisation and the development of a wider network for future collaborations.
Every year we invite 2 former teachers to facilitate the teachers meeting. They keep track of the teacher's and organiser's wishes and needs, the planned structure and the timing.
These are the main categories of work sessions during the TM
I) LAB time
II) 5x5
III) Festival issues
IV) Dancing time (self explained)
Below you can find images from the process of the selection of Labs that various teachers proposes at the beginning of the meeting.
This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2018.
If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact defne.erdur@idocde.net.