user avatarDilek Üstünalan // Teacher
user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDaniela Schwartz // Teacher
user avatarBarbara Stahlberger // Teacher
IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2018 Teachers Meeting Introduction to Documentation
Brief information on the process of the Introduction to Documentation Session during contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting and information about the example practices of reflective documentation scores for groups (Collective Reflection and Cassiopeia) can be found in this idoc. This session was realized with the whole teachers team right after the morning warm up and dancing session on 06.08.2018 between 12.20-13.00. It was facilitated by Defne Erdur and Dilek Üstünalan.

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Date-time: 06.08.2018 12.20-13.00

Facilitated and documented by: Defne Erdur and Dilek Üstünalan

Inquiry : Introduce the idea of reflective and collective documentation to the teachers.

Proposition: Reflective documentation practice after the morning warm up (by Ingrid) followed by dancing for 1,5h:

Stage 1: Moving with questions. During dancing, two questions were placed in the space (on big papers on the wall): 

- What were/are you playing with in your morning dance?

- How did the warm up inform your dance, if it did?

No verbal instruction was given. The questions were just hanging on the walls during the dancing.

Stage 2: Personal reflection right after the dancing: Movers are invited to draw, scribble, write on the papers placed on the corners of the dance space. They are invited to keep moving their hands and arms as a continuation of the dance they have been realising. 

Stage 3: Collective Reflection/ note taking: Movers are invited to come into groups of 5. In these small groups take turns to speak about their experiences in the warm up, dancing and the reflecting. They are invted to place a big paper in the middle and take collective notes. While one is reflecting verbally on the process, others are reflecting on the collective paper (by using colors, drawings, words...)

Stage 4: Cassiopeia Score: Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the vain queen Cassiopeia in Greek mythology. The constellation is in W shape. The conversation for this score is realized by people who are sitting in a W configuration and asking questions to each other. One corner of W starts with a question and the one sitting across them answers. Than the one sitting across the answerer asks another question to the one who is sitting across them. When the turn comes to the end of the W the one at the other end answers. The questions are collected as a final document of the process.

Questions generated during Cassiopeia score:

Group 1: Doerte, Mary, Benno, Ulli, Mariam

Did you ever do (this) (before)?

Why did you do what you did?

Do you feel connected to your instincts?

Where is your body do you feel your instincts?

Has your instinct a physical source on base?

When do you know your instincts? Is it sometimes before or during or after you do something?

What is instinct for you?

How did you survive last time you were in a crucial situation you had to instantly react on?

How do you know you’re surviving something?


Group 2:

Which memory of FAT coexistence do you have?

What was the FAT man eating? How would you eat yourself up in a dance?

Could you reverse the movement of doing this and find another direction?

Do you have memory? What is a nice sensation linked to being swalloved?

How many moments of a sensation you have now?


Group 3: Iiris, Irene, Vega, Keith, Shura, Nuria

What is failure & success in the context of CI?

What is uncomfortable?

What is your relationship to humor & miscommunication when dancing?

What could be triggerig (in a negative or challenging way) while dancing?

How do you transform a “bad dance” into a “good one” without leaving?


Group 4: Ina, Ricardo, Marika, Bastien, Caterina

 How everything b/w partners and around become a dance?

Will you be able to remember or experience al this again, or will you forget all this?

What is creating traces or prints when I dance?

What makes a print to stay as a memory in this case?

What makes transformation occur?

What would you like to transform through your dance?

Could I call perception pleasure?


Group 5: Ingrid, Edo, Elske, Marky, Eryn

 What is it that skin is holding?

What is under your skin?

How does light influence your dance?

What do you need to be light in your body?

How does the ground know when you’ve arrived?

How can you know what your partner is experiencing?

What does your imagination look like?

When you have images, how do you dance with them?

So when you are teaching do you use images and if you do, what is one of your favorite images?


Group 6: Richard, Jung, Barbara, Susanne, Bryce

 Is it that quality?

How do you make it empty?

What is empty in the up and the down?

Did you personally study gravity in the last 2 hours?

Did you now spend more time in ....????

Did you think of gravity in that web of people during the morning?


Group 7: Filip, Patrick, ?, Alessandro, Anne-Gaelle

Would you like to be fatter & why?

What do you appreciate in your body when you dance?

How do you imagine your nervous system can help you to be fat?

Which animal would inspire you to do that?

What bird you like to be?

Do you like to ...?

Do you think of CI as knitting?

Have you ever made (something / an object) with your two hands, what?


Group 8: Brandon, Siri, Robin, Gesine, Jordan

 How to transition from movement experience into reflection / words/ paper?

What is it that is needed to be able to share your experience with words etc?

Ca you give examples of what bridges the body of knowledge with another mind?

How do I stop worrying?

What is the harvest from listening your worrying?


Group 9: Sarah, Romain, Malaika, Vera, Rocio

 How to restart with someone else?

How do you small dance?

What is the process of growing inside details?

What are you curious about?

How do you combine ideas and hunting footnotes with a physical structure that will not change?


Group 10: Emily, Michele, Alejando, Georg, Sabine

What is chaos for you?

How do you translate the dissolution in moment?

Is it possible to incorporate a concept in the body?

Does my body know this concept?

When you are moving, what ideas you are workking with?




This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2018. 

If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact



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