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IDOCs » Left Overs / MTD Residency Poetic Documentation
Collective reflective poetic documentation of our work during the residency week. 23-27th July, 2018

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Placeholder for your reflections, poems as they rise from you... :-) 


what is already there
what do we share
about what do we care
how far do we dare

this here is an invitation
for us to use our imagination
let our bodies make creations
and lets think beyond limitations

bodyparts like aliens
welcoming our demons
yes to temporary fictions
anatomies of publications

bodies producing words
new vocabulary emerges
swallowing, digesting paragraphs
effecting physical constitutions

storytelling retelling traveling


What is already there                                                       prophicies

                                        EDIT               alien

            feedback                     breathes                               (reflective mode)

         The physical sensation through imagined bodies.

(observation)                    stories I wrote- looking at


(SCORES)                      imagination  ||              projection space

squiggliy line----------------------------------------

how you phrase things                       |       organs/vibration- qualities of movement

                                                           |           temporality
tell- experience eyes closed               |      collection                              ACTIVISTS


 scripting          feminist ways of procucing knowledge


"BUILD THE SPACE" ----- ground and sky

     felt sense.

(Movement Research)               MIND THE DANCE-- on its own terms       Make a book

Consolodate   organs, practice        collections     Materialized

How things can become a dance

cranial sacral   

I perceive things as dance

EMBRYO-               imaginary  way of anatomy              

skeleton organ structures

Anatomy of a Dream- inspiring


(You are here)                                         Questions- WHERE AM I?


touch deep using into soil vaporizing my bones under the earth
long lines roads of vessels running endlessly beyond the fingertips
head turn to transparent glass garden with colorful plants and flowers and tiny animals hardly visible
little people watching the inside my garden head, exhibition wonder
meaninglessness confusion
forest of the red blossom, climbing where heroes born
dissolving to particles
cell breath - oneness is pleasant, wanted, safe, liquid breathing multifaceted
vessel breath - orientation to space, giving clear direction and will

how to have the all around, the imaginary reality, corporeal fluidity a presence in my actions?


  • see/ click on random code :
  • function  new_vocabulary (x) {
        var str = document.getElementById(x).innerHTML; 
        var res = str.replace(/center/gi, "fantasy organ");
        document.getElementById(x).innerHTML = res;
    //new_vocabulry ("ires")  // scroll

    on a demon quest
    anatomy as violent act of discovery

    deep hole
    rips of fingers
    floating rips
    making bread - you need everything even
    (bread as shared place that has to grow)
    touching the floor
    orbide influences
    undefined shadow
    becomes a cave
    floor hard surface soft connection
    bones of a birds wings
    boat is the body
    electric power lines
    high heel shoes are the grand piano
    and looks like a flag
    broken glass (=glitter)

narrenturm museum 26.7.18

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