Looking at spaces in between. An thought shared by Sivia Marchig. Not preparing but experiencing the physical meeting, we are reflecting on the input by Pavle Heidler on "being prepared". How can the meeting determine the relationship. (how is the meeting growing into relationship). "I would like to spend the week in working but not do "plan the presentation" but spend the time in discovering." Working with the term "embodiment of knowledge".
Generating Questions as a practice, where do the questions come from? Footnoting your question and contextualize. Being accountable where the question is coming from.
It is a value to discover subjectivity as strength. We always talk from a persomal perspective.
Sharing questions and doubts is important for the process of learning.
How and how often are we also documenting "troubles". This can put you at risk, politically this is not in favor in capitalism. "Not being sure" as a strength!
But this points out the discrepancy in selling knowledge, to the request of the market. "It is important to fight for the right to not know and stand as a teacher at the same time."
Questions of documentation:
Trouble in documentation: For example time management, what do we need to do our practice.
High lightening documentation as a possibility for self reflection!
Generating questions.
We are sharing about 40 min of individual work:
Gosia Gajdemska sharing her practice: How can we use voice and body as part of our physical presence. Before the word, there is a sound, before the sound there is breath.
Objectivity and subjectivity. we listen to something and write down sth which is our own version. What are you taking and giving back. Who is the author? Gosia is using this exercise often as a starting point for improvisation.
How can we use spoken and written words as a source for movement.
Description of the exercise?
working i pairs. 5min standing with closed eyes – partner is positioning herself in variuos distnaces and positions. In the next step, sound and breath are send towards the standing person who is starting to move.
Moving without external input, resonating with the first steps. The mover is speaking and the watcher is writing, reading back what the watcher was writing to the "dancer".
The exercise is about transformation. questioning authorship of the text which is developed in a dialogue.
Things we hear are constantly producing new footnotes.
Silvia's proposal:
guided session for opening and calibrating attention on: body shape, breathing, shared space, air between (the air is full of neurons sensing), sounds (everything you here is a part of a contemporary music piece, every sound you produce is becoming part of it). An utopic exercise on collective awareness and swarm intelligence.
In the conversation afterwards, Sasha brought up a very interresting topic of phenomenology of teaching.
End of day one