IDOCs » RESISTANCE FANTASIES - Documentation Symposium 2017
As part of "why compromise. mind the dance." 5th IDOCDE Symposium on Contemporary Dance Education July 28 - 30, 2017 at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival, Stormy Budwig offered this workshop to formulate our own resistance fantas(ies).

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This workshop and discussion group is a chance to delve into our concerns, frustrations, and hopes. We will process, ex- periment, and perform. We will say what we feel we must say as citizens of our respective communities—our countries, our families, whether by birth or by choice. The workshop is comprised of experiments based on witnessing and per- forming, eyes closed and open, silent and loud, in pairs and as a group. Solitude is encouraged, as are questions and radical states of being. By the end of our ninety minutes together, each of us will have formulated our own resistance fantas(ies), documented them, and thoughtfully probed and articulated them, so that when the workshop is done we are existing inside a liminal space. Somewhere between uncensored, unrestricted desire and tenable, concrete plan for action, Resistance Fantasies is a workshop meant to encour- age divergent thought and group practice. All are welcome.

Resistance Fantasies

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