IDOCs » PERFORMATIVE BOOKBINDING - Documentation Symposium 2017
As part of "why compromise. mind the dance." 5th IDOCDE Symposium on Contemporary Dance Education July 28 - 30, 2017 at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival, the launch of the digital publication was realized as a performative bookbinding session.

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The call for the participants was :

We invite you to join this informative and performative act where you can select your favorite essays, striking scores, most useful tools from Mind The Dance and create your own book. Following the introduction into our e-publication and having time to get to know its content and contributors, you will be invited to make your own selection and create your own printed version. The session will be guided by the researchers of the REFLEX Europe project. Come and be one of the  rst teachers to “hold” Mind The Dance in your hands! Facilitated by Friederike Lampert and Sabina Holzer.

In the attached video, you can have a glimpse of the process and visit yourself. Enjoy the digital rides!

Video by | facebook: Franzi Kreis Photography


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