IDOCs » Program & Schedule 2017
Please find attached the Program and Schedule of "Why Compromise. Mind The Dance" - Vienna Symposium 2017"

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This year’s symposium title does not only refer to the REFLEX publication. We invited artists, dance pedagogues, and colleagues from all over the world to propose lectures, workshops, installations that orbit around questions of real-life compromises whilst ‘minding the dance.’ The Symposium has crystallized into a cornerstone of the IDOCDE community, and we happily note the expanding universe of artists and teachers offering their body or work to colleagues in an atmosphere of sharing and exploring our dances.

Thank you for joining us! 

Attached Documents:
Click a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
2017 IDOCDE Symposium Mind The Dance Program Brochure.pdf
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[type: pdf2017 IDOCDE Symposium Mind The Dance Program Brochure

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