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More to explore
As an extension of my Art from Art contribution, I wish to share more drawings by Anna Holló as I found her images exciting, exploratory, alive, at times talkative and inspirational. I can see them sometimes as notation. And as such, they can be explored and further taken into compositional work. Or just looking at them in a sequence and get a taste, an idea, a direction of the class. Let fantasy travel, let imagination be active, let the traveler have a dance as the lines are dancing...
The first sequence of drawings was made during a Contact Improvisation class taught at the University of Film Arts, Budapest in 2016 fall. It was a specific class, where I worked with a ball to support the sensation of weight, to get the sense of rolling with giving and pouring weight into the floor through the ball. To get the roundness of the body and work with the principle of "allowing the weight the do the work".
We started with a slow exploration of breathing with the ball, rolling, melting, spreading. We became playful by exchanging moves with partners and keep our own balls. There were parts when the ball became a moving object, where we moved them shifted into being moved by them. Solo work, duett and group awareness was in focus. The ball as a surface and substance between the dancers could create a safe territory to explore touch and moving into the partner's mass without imposing any other intention. The dance unfolded...
Images: CIBall_01 - CIBall_65
The second sequence of the drawings is from the class that can be seen in the article Art from Art. The drawings can add to the video documentation of the class, of our work with Anna and give an insight about the specificity of this "art making documentation process".
Images: Images_classonvideo_01_16