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IDOCs » Connect with what inspires you
This is a warm-up exercise in form of a list to connect to people and works you are inspired by. This list is part of

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WARM UP - Listing


To get a clearer notion, of what you like and what nurtures and inspires you in terms of ways of using language, you can make some quick lists of authors, choreographers, artists, philosophers you really like and who inspire you. 


  • Just take for each list 5 minutes. Do it whenever you have time. Close your eyes for some moments, take some sparkling breaths to connect and make a list. The lists can be completed and changed at anytime. Put them somewhere you see them. The spirit of the people and their works will be closer to you.


As an expample I give you here my personal list. It is quickly gathered and relates to
people who have and continue to inspired me for my life and work in different ways. With some of them I worked or still do; some of them are contemporary, some of them are connected to different times. In any case I am happy and grateful to be surrounded by them and to be able to connect to their ways of doing.


I connected some documents of those people, who were directly involved with dissemination, facilitation and teaching experiences,  I was part of. 




Gilles Deleuze

Jean-Luc Nancy

Hélène Cixous

Roland Barthes

Jacques Derrida

Michel Serres

Friedrich Nietzsche

Catherine Malabou

Jeroen Peeters


Maurice Blanchot

Marcus Steinweg

Isolde Charim



Kurt Schwitters

Antonin Artaud

Ingeborg Bachmann

Gertrude Stein

Paul Auster

Siri Hustvedt

Samuel Beckett

Marguerite Duras

Kathy Acker
 [15th of January, 2017]

John Berger

Claire Lispectore

Brian Gysin

Warren Ellis



Philipp Gehmacher

Vera Mantero

Martin Nachbar

Anne Juren

Kattrin Deufert & Thomas Plischke

Mathilde Monnier

Milli Bitterli

  • These are extracts of the performance Can you feel my heart beat I participated. We (Milli Bitterli / choreographer; Satu Herrala / dance; and me) passed it on to students of SEAD - Salzburg Experimental Academy of dance: [15th of January, 2017]

 [15th of January, 2017]

Benoit Lachambre

Simone Forti



Joseph Kosuth


Wiener Gruppe

Jack Hauser



Sophie Call

Marcel Broodthaers

Yoko Ono

  • Document of a performance I and Frans Poelstra have created together with the students of BAKIP, 2015.                  [15th of January, 2017]


Etel Adnan

Cy Twombly

Trisha Brown

Anna Halprin

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