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P is for Partnering is a new developed exercising program to learn partnering. We would like to bring our partnering workshop and accompanying Lecture performance about the topic to the 5th IDOCDE Symposium.
In our opinion one of the greatest pleasures of dancing lie in great partnering but if you would like to follow actual partnering classes, you are up for a challenge. We wanted to change this situation and therefore created a new exercising program called P is for Partnering. Next to our partnering workshop we also designed a lecture performance about partnering. We would be delighted to present the performance next to our workshop at your symposium. It is an ingenious and enlightening addition to our teaching.
Partnering is a result of two people dancing with each other. It’s not about manipulation or dancing for the partner. We’ve analysed the physicality of dancing with a partner in several different dance genres including ballet, contemporary dance, ballroom dancing and even acrobatics and realised that the Partnering Elements are same in all of them.
For us Partnering Elements are different ways to receive weigh. Weight can be Balanced, Shifted, come Off the ground, create Velocity or be Led through space.
We’ve created exercises to develop techniques, which are necessary to perform the partnering elements. We call these techniques Partnering Fundaments. Partnering Fundaments are Preparation, Centre of gravity, Do it yourself, Core support, Activated, Back to balance, Breaking, Hold, Space and Lead.
P is for Partnering technique will improve your understanding of how to handle weight. We believe everybody can be a good partner. Many times while dancing with a new partner, we tend to feel like we have to compromise our own level of dancing. This is mainly a result of approaching partnering for the ‘I perspective’ and not form a ‘together we make 100 percent’ ideology. It is easy for a big man to throw a small woman around but when you want to alternate the ‘roles’, create more movement possibilities or dance together with a similar size dancer – it’s then when the technique starts to play an important role. Good partnering should never be about compromising, it should be about understanding and being able to apply technical skills!
Choreographers Jaakko Toivonen and Kinga László have worked together for 15 years and share a passion for dancing with a partner. Their collaboration includes choreographing independent works as well as dancing together for other choreographers. They are creators of P is for Partnering, exercising programme to develop your partnering skills.
Workshop is suitable for professional and semi-professional dancers, dance teachers and dance student of all genres.
We would like to offer you three different possibilities. Either a one day, 4 hour Introduction workshop, two day (2x3hours) Basic knowhow workshop or a three-day Elaborate workshop (3x3hours).
Next to the workshop we would be very interested to present our approximately 45 minutes long lecture performance.
Depending on the amount of participants, a normal size dance studio is needed. The space should have a vinyl dance floor and at least 3,5 meters high.
For Lecture performance we prefer a small theatre setting but it is eventually also possible to do the presentation in a dance studio, as long as it is possible to darken the space.
For partnering workshops we need audio with mini jack connection. For Lecture performance sound set and beamer with good size screen to project are needed.
Kinga László and Jaakko Toivonen
Kinga +385 919 230 470
Jaakko +31 624 216 162