- FULL NAME: Tabakian Cléo
- PHONE NUMBER: +436508953378
- EMAIL: cleo.tabakian@hotmail.fr
- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (400-500 characters) – relevant to the proposal, Symposium theme
I was born and grew up in Paris. I studied at the National Fine Art Academy (ENSBA), and graduated in 2014.
During my studies there I spent one year as exchange student at the Kyoto City University of Art.
While I was in Kyoto, I have organised several “Sanpo”, as I called them (it means “walk” in Japanese), The Sanpo's are silent collective walks, drifts through the city lead by our unfolded perceptions and wandering curiosities.
Then I moved to Vienna where I started a personal dance training and research, experimenting alone and with others. My approach was initiated by my interest for the Skinner releasing technique and is nourrished by improvisation and somatics.
- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: City's dance are everyone's responsibility
- DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max. 2000 characters):
The dance-walk session should last about around 90 minutes. Groups are limited to 20 people.The dance-walks would start at Reumanplatz in front of the famous Viennese ice cream institution: Tichy.
Reumanplatz is according to Google map 28 minutes walk away form The Arsenal (2,3 km).
I would start with a short introduction giving instructions and suggesting a few questions to keep in mind before entering the practice. I’d also like to give some information about the neighborhood we are in and will be walking through.
"We will be dancing in silence, for about one hour, from here to our studio in Arsenal.
The first rule is that we cannot talk, we may produce other kinds of sounds. The dancing is not about producing movement; it is about confronting movement with the encountered "urban elements": people, animals, storefront, walls, street signs, fences etc .
Our task is to develop a dialogue in motion with those elements and at all time paying attention to the kind of responses produces within the surroundings (response of any kind : people’s reaction, sounds, group dynamic, feelings, associations etc) . It is a simultaneous exploration, on different scales.
Focusing on very small things is very welcome, such as vegetation, garbage, traces, or on larger things, such as architectural and urban forms, patterns, perspectives etc.
Keeping an eye on caring for each other and everybody else, for ourselves as a group not just as atomic fragmented individuals is important.
At the end of the walk, we will have a brief feedback session."
(This is my introduction to the walk in short.)
"And here are the questions to keep in mind while doing the dance-walk:
What are we perceiving of our immediate surroundings? What are we not perceiving ? How are we perceiving it?
Does the dance motion our dancing-walk change the perceptions we usually have when we walk “normally”?
What kind of look are we generating? ? What kind of space, of possible organisational changes? What are we giving, adding, subtracting on our way? Is it risky?
How sincere can we be the unfolding of an unknown process? How generous ? How open to others?
- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION AND MOTIVATION (max 400- 500 characters; for publishing)
How are we affected by and affecting our direct surroundings in our dance practices?
How can we bring the practice into our daily life and out on the "democratic" street? Is it risky? Is it generous?
Will have a dance-walk through the city reexploring our ways of inhabiting it.
The dichotomy or the interweaving of art practices and their close surroundings is a matter of concern. A deep reflexion on the artist-as-citizen’s responsibilities regarding his/her own practices and his/her own context's making is underlying this attempt.
- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)
Cléo Tabakian is a self-taught French freelance dancer and visual artist.
Response ability
Performative actions
Dance walk
Proposals that address the how we are being with each other right now right here and now
- Participating requirements (for whom is this workshop for?)
The workshop is for every person interested in sensing and observing the direct consequences on his/her own dance on Vienna's urban context.
- TIME REQUIREMENTS (how much time do you need for sharing?)
It should last 2 hours at the most (including time for feed back)
- SPACE REQUIREMENTS (what kind of space do you require for your sharing? studio size etc)
We will need no other space than the one offered by the city itself.
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (what kind of technical support do you require? audio, beamer etc)
No need for any technical support nor equipment