IDOCs » Zen gait - the art of silent walking
Improving posture and better understanding of balance; simple everyday activities require your attention too.

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Try and give yourself some time to pay attention to the weight distribution while you walk; how (and) do you feel the surface under you? Do you pay attention on small changes? Like stepping on a small stone? Or a used bubblegum? Cigarette bud? How loud do you stomp while taking a walk? What is your body posture? Do you have a back pain after long walks?
Questions like this arise the minute you start paying attention. By taking more care, you will gain a lot - not just that your body posture will improve and you’ll feel lighter, but it will also affect your general sense of balance. Once you acquire zen gait mindset, you will pay more attention on suspensions and weight/energy transfers while landing acrobatic movements also.
We shouldn't take our legs and feet for granted. They carry us through life, yet we pay them almost no attention... Time to straighten things out :)
Nice way to practice is trying to walk on narrow/uneven surfaces; slack line is a good choice also. Walking barefoot, walking in heavy boots, walking in light shoes and trying to notice how this affects your walk.
Try to stick with this task for one week only, and let me know did it help you ;)
Best regards, Nikola

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