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IDOCs » Borrowed Trauma - Documentation
Borrowed Trauma - Documentation A movement research laboratory and lecture that explores corporeal access to shared memory and human empathy through media by challenging the thresholds of what our bodies can experience through simulation.

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Borrowed Trauma - Documentation

To what extent can we use our bodies to connect with experiences we ourselves did not have, but learn about through images?

In this laboratory we explore whether empathy is something that can be excercised through simulation in order to deconstruct and comprehend the complex relationships surrounding the reenactment of others suffering in sensationalized media images. 

When and how does the embodiment of anothers tradegy become colinizing and exploitative?

By fixing the lens on the performance of the human body, what is there to be gained through the literacy of reading these images through the context of dance?

This laboratory is accompanied by an analysis of Beyonce's music video Formations in relation to Murman's research practice Kinesthetic Cinema, as a catalyst for an open dialogue with participants. 

Borrowed Trauma

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Thank you all for participating. If anyone is in Baton Rouge on Nov 20th I will be presenting similar research at The Art Council of Louisiana's PechaKucha night.

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