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feeding on the theme and the meaning of teaching contemporary dance today
clear/good support + feel supported in workshops from teacher/presenter's perspective
learning about practices and dancer's knowledge
new impulses
getting a log of stimulation
expected it to be more didactical
be surprised
more dance more touch
more movement more movement
exchange with colleagues and opportunities to enter more unknown fields. chances to move and discuss.
no expectation + i was open
expected meeting people who are also dancers and colleagues
no expectation
new experiences about my body and mind + a good reflex meeting + ice-cream + theoretic background
(re)generation of community + exchanges of thoughts and experiences and practices
friendship + love + (a loving container for knowledge)
thirsty for joining the symposium
not what i expected + used to more technique + about contemporary dance training
thought it was going to be more theoretical
exhaustion + lack of specificity + curious people + fascination for ≠ perspectives
no expectation + (it's probably not true) + heat
expectations + meeting peers + hope to dance in other containers/contexts
political of the somatic work will be a topic
curiosity + somatic bodywork + lectures
opening new fields of knowing + imp___g workshops
meeting and sharing with inspiring people
addressing subversity in art-making
little curiosity
meeting people
little expectation
high attention to protocol + structures
made choices + happy with them
got to form many questions
more exchange and discussion possibilities with the "lecturers" + even more movement related
GOOD became between moving, theory, discussing + like
I LIKED THAT IT WAS VERY APPLIED! + less theoretical than thought!
sharing process + sharing practice
learnt many things (as in information) + had many thoughts
had experiences
information in some sessions could have been given more efficiently
got more than I expected / did not expect
SPACE is so necessary for circulating thoughts + bodies!
WELL ORIENTATED + I mean: I felt information was clear from beginning to end.
more inspirational than didactical
rest in the OVERWHELMING QUANTITY ––––––––––––––
finding ROOTS
i liked playful philosophics about politics of dance
time is so short!
giving a good overview of what the IDOCDE platform offers/provides + space for encounters (techniques, knowledge, people, ...)
again hearing, experiencing the value of documentation, reflection, peer to peer contact
very generous sharing
it was very generous
some good information
heat is a little bit a problem
some boring stuff
some inspiration
good it's integrated in impulstanz + uses facilities (a garden, a pool, a sleeping room, food, events)
more on theory and dance and also the therapeutic aspect
new impulses
it combined practice and discussing practice
got information + brain level
creative + openminded meetings
soft focus, good distribution of attention, stroll
difficult choices + attempts to also watch performances and visit museums – time is short
I got inspired
met incredible people / collaborators
our work valued + I feel validated
sharing on a peer level really great
I found ways, possibilities of solutions for a personal problem